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Operasi RPPS - PPN

Recycling Centre

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19th September 2019


Prof. Datuk Ts. Wahid bin Razzaly, Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The program was joined by Datuk Haji Jeffri Bin Abd. Rasid (Director of State Forestry, JPNJ), Encik Mohd Zain Bin Arris (Johor Regional Manager SWM Environment), Profesor Madya Dr. Noor Yasmin Binti Zainun (Director of Swidweb Solutions), Profesor Madya Technologies Dr. Abd. Halid Bin Abdullah (Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environment Engineering, FKAAS), Sr. Dr. Noralfishah Binti Sulaiman (Director of Sustainable Campus Office and Senior University Officer)

The establishment of Resources Recovery Learning House (RPPS). Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) has launched a university recycling program as the Resources Recovery Learning House (RPPS). RPPS has been used as a place for students’ recycling activities. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken few initiatives to achieve goals for  Environmental Engineering course includes the development of the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of solid waste management and transfer the knowledge to the community. Besides, this project also helps students to implement in real life that learned in lectures. This project aims to engage the younger generation into composting and the importance to reduce waste material. The examples of activities are papaya planting activity, irrigation system, upgrade the edible and non-edible garden around RCC, collection of used goods, calamansi lime and lemongrass plantation, development of Resources Conservation Centre (RCC) a Project of Nature Conservation and waste to the landscape. Activities involved students consist of some groups which are from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS). The existence of the RPPS has facilitated further the promotion of a culture of recycling among university students. All the activities involved recyclable materials such as used mineral water bottles. Besides, the use of bamboo as a water sprinkler and used car tyres to place plants. Facilities are upgraded by utilizing used material.

Recycled goods will be sold and accepted at RPPS. The three simple steps involved are collecting, weighing and redeeming.