Energy-November 2023
Waste - November 2023
Energy-October 2023
Water-October 2023
Waste - Ocktober 23
Maulid Nabi 1445H
Energy-September 2023
Waste - September 23
Energy-August 2023
Water-August 2023
Waste - August 23
Merdeka 2023
Energy-July 2023
Water-July 2023
Waste - July 23
Energy-June 2023
Water-June 2023
Waste - June 23
Energy-May 2023
Water-May 2023
Waste-May 2023
Tahniah!! PM Dr. Nur Shaylinda
Earth Month Awareness 2023
Ramadhan Kareem 1444H
WATER - MAC 2023
WASTE-Mac 2023
Energy- Feb 2023
Water - Feb 2023
Waste-Feb 2023
Energy-Jan 2023
Water - Jan 2023
Waste-Jan 2023
PTj according to EAC
EMGS 1-Star
Sasaran Tenaga Univ. 2022
eBuletin Bil122021
eBuletin Bil1/2021
Operasi RPPS - PPN

GMI 2019 – Energy & Climate Change

Criteria 2.1 : Energy Efficient Appliances Usage
The energy efficient appliances usage to replace the conventional appliances is still low with approximately with total usage of 20%.

Criteria 2.2 : Total Main Campus Smart Building Area (m2)
The area (including ground floor and other floors) of smart building in UTHM is estimated at 61,122 meter square.

Criteria 2.3 : Smart Building Implementation
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia has implemented the smart building programmes that uses automated processes to automatically control the building’s operations including heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, security and other systems.

Criteria 2.4 : Number of Renewable Energy Sources in Campus
In current, there is no single alternative energy sources were produced in the campus.

Criteria 2.5 : Please Specify Renewable Energy Sources in Campus and Provide Capacity Produced in Kilo Watt Hour

Criteria 2.6 : Electricity Usage per Year
A total of 30,421,35 kWh and 28,511,548.00 kWh electricity have been consumes for 2016 and 2017 respectively. While for 2018, the total electricity usage until September 2018 was recorded at 19,395,765 kWh.

Criteria 2.7 : The Total Electricity Usage Divided by Total Campus Population (kWh per Person)
The total electricity usage divided by total campus population  is 1,848.69 kWh per person.

Criteria 2.8 : Ratio of Renewable Energy Production Divided by Total Energy Usage per Year
Due to the campus does not produce any renewable energy; the renewable energy ratio is 0%.

Criteria 2.9 : Elements of Green Building Implementation as Reflected in All Construction and Renovation Policies
UTHM currently implement the green construction efforts by appointing the building energy manager to responsible and ensure that all the construction and renovation in the campus will at least fulfill the minimum GBI requirements.

Criteria 2.10 : Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Program
Several programs has been conducted with the aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as tree planting programs, reducing electrical energy consumption by changing the refrigerant of the air conditioning system, distribution of 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) bins in all 35 departments in the campus development of Diesel-CNG Dual Fuel Technology and the Tiny Forest Project.

Criteria 2.11 : Please Provide Total Carbon Footprint (CO2 Emission in The Last 12 Months, in Metric Tons)
The total Co2 emission from October 2017 until September 2018 from the purchased electricity is recorded to be at 18.6 tons metric.

Criteria 2.12 : The Total Carbon Footprint Divided by Total Campus Population (Metric Ton per Person)
The total CO2 emission from October 2017 until September 2018 from the purchased electricity is recorded to be at 0.0013 metric tons.