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SIO 2 – Waste & Recycling Sustainable Activities


Green Activity:
SWIDWEB Solutions Endowment Contribution

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02 January 2019

Assistant Vice-Chancellor Office

A representative from SWIDWEB Solutions, Associate Professor Dr. Noor Yasmin Zainun as the co-director of three members, Professor Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman, Associate Professor Dr. Munzilah Md Rohani and Sr. Saifullizan Mohd Bukar, Professor Sr. Dr. Wan Zahari Wan Yusoff

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia  (UTHM) received the second endowment contribution from SWIDWEB Solutions worth RM1,000.00 in a brief ceremony held at the Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Financial Sustainability) Office, the main campus. The award from the SWIDWEB company is the first endowment contribution for 2019. For the record, SWIDWEB Solutions is a UTHM derivative company that was approved in 2016. The company is led by Associate Professor Dr. Noor Yasmin Zainun as the co-director of three members, Professor Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman, Associate Professor Dr. Munzilah Md Rohani and Sr. Saifullizan Mohd Bukari.

On May 17, 2017, the company obtained a Certificate of Registration of the Company and a Bumiputera Company Registration Certificate under the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia. The name of the company is taken in conjunction with the first product name that has been commercially successful Solid Waste Illegal Dumping (SWIDWeb). The company has invented several products such as SWID Apps, Smart Driving Tool, Housing Demand Predictor, 2M recycle bin (outdoor recycle bin) and indoor recycle bin consisting of CyB3, and 4Bin close and 4Bin open. Apart from marketing research products, SWIDWEB Solutions also conducts experimental work, supply research data, and other ancillary work. According to Director Endowment and Waqf Centre, Professor Sr. Dr. Wan Zahari Wan Yusoff the university is very thankful and honored to receive this second contribution from the SWIDWEB. “Hopefully this contribution will inspire other university companies to contribute,” he said. The contribution directly helps the university to have a sustainable green environment and clean campus.

Green Activity:
Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)

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7-8 January 2019

Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

FKAAS Community

In compliance to the Occupational Safety and Health ACT 1994 (OSHA 1994) and Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure to Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations, 2000 Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam dan Alam Sekitar (FKAAS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) has carried out the CHRA Assessment. The assessment was conducted on 7th and 8th January 2019.

The main objective of the assessment is to assess the risk to the health of the employees and persons working in the laboratory area from the exposure to the chemical hazardous to health. The appropriate control measures, induction, and training of employees, monitoring and health surveillance that are available to protect the health of employees were also looked into and assessed. “Assessment of the Health Risks Arising from the Use of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace (A Manual of Recommended Practice. 2nd Edition) 2000” and “A Guide for Writing a Chemical Health Risk Assessment Report, 2005” is used as the guideline and reference for this assessment and report.

The processes and work units involved in this assessment are:

  1. W1 – Environmental Laboratory Personnel
  2. W2 – Material Engineering Personnel
  3. W3 – Wood Fabrication Personne
  4. W4 – Waste Water and MPRC Personnel
  5. W5 – Environment Analysis Personnel
  6. W6 – Store Keeper Personnel

One hundred and twenty (120) chemicals hazardous to health (chemicals and chemicals release) were assessed from all work units.

In general point of view, FKAAS, UTHM, has an established health and safety management system in place. There is a lot of effort being put in to achieve the requirements as stipulated under the OSHA 1994. With the commitment from the top management of FKAAS, UTHM there is no excuse for anyone at the campus not to adhere to the rules and regulations. However, there is still some improvement that could be made to further enhance their current Occupational Safety and Health Management System and with the continuous training and enforcement being given to the relevant personnel, the significant health risk as identified under this qualitative assessment would certainly be reduced to the minimal risk possible.

Green Activity:
Ceramic Industrial Waste (CIW)

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30 January 2019

Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

Students and Lecturers of UTHM

This research has been carried out by the students and lecturers of UTHM. For this research, they were using ceramic measurements as construction materials and had been replaced by aggregate. The research that they have done was to solve the problem for the industry which focuses on the ceramic industry. In industry, there were many reductions of raw materials in construction that can be issued in readiness nowadays. Because of the problem issued, there were some creative ideas and resolutions to modify concrete that had been implemented. In this study, Ceramic Industrial Wastes (CIW) was chosen as a replacement material for fine aggregate in the concrete mix. This research focuses on the mechanical properties of concrete containing ceramic industrial waste. With the use of industrial wastes such as ash and powder can be used as replacement material in the concrete mix which is to increase the sustainability of concrete.

From industrial waste, it was chosen due to the beneficial properties in concrete technology which have good thermal insulator refractory hot and strong. These ceramic properties can provide lots of benefits in concrete technology. For example, the ceramic properties can increase the use of concrete mix. It can also offer a new kind of green option to the ceramic industry to help the construction as well as contributing to the sustainable development in the ceramic industry. Besides, it can be used as replacement materials in construction, specifically on a concrete structure, precast concrete and construction materials inadmissible. The target player will be the construction player in the construction industry such as developer, contractor and other people who involved in the private and government sector. With the success of this research will lead to sustainable technology towards the concrete structure.


Green Activity:
Gotong-Royong Perdana Programme

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25 February 2019

Dewan Sultan Ibrahim(DSI)

All UTHM staff and students associations

A community service involving all UTHM staff and student associations was held as part of the Sayangi UTHM campaigns. All participants were gathered at the front of DSI for some warm-up session and speech was delivered by Vice-Chancellor. Participants were grouped and separated based on different zones inside UTHM main campus area to do their community service. Instead of having good relationships among students and lecturers, the organizer wanted all participants to have the awareness of keeping the environment of the university clean and waste recycling activities.  In this program, the participants were cleaning the main area of the campus such as faculties, mosque, UTHM main hall and more. At the same time, some participants gathered to collect and organize items that can be recycled accordingly, which is conducted by a few lecturers.

In this program, all participants and the organizers of the program were satisfied with the achievement that they accomplished. All the items that can be recycled had put in the recycle bin and the university got cleaned. The organizer thanked all participants for engaging in the program and wished that this program will be organized continuously.

Green Activity:
Penjualan Kertas Kasih ‘Bin’

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27 February 2019

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Department of Structure and Materials, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The ‘Bin’ Program is one of the around-the-year programs conducted by the Department of Structure and Materials, the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. It’s a collaboration program where old papers were collected. Furthermore, old papers will be sold to raise funds for community service programs by Public and Community Engineers Faculty Civil Welfare Club (CESWEC).

The money received for the old paper collections on February 27, 2019, was RM225.00.

MARCH 2019

Green Activity:
Knowledge Sharing Session

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07 March 2019

Meeting Room 1, FKAAS

UTHM Communities

Knowledge-Sharing sessions were organized by Micropollutant Research Centre (MPRC), Faculty of Civil and Environment Engineering (FKAAS) UTHM. Dr. Nur Shaylinda Mohd Zin from FKAAS was appointed as the speaker. The focus of these activities is fieldwork and sampling.

Green Activity:
Gotong Royong in SK Convent Batu Pahat

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16 March 2019

SK Convent Batu Pahat

Teachers, Alumni, and Parents and Teacher’s Association (PIBG) of SKCBP, students, and lecturers from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Environment (FKAAS), staffs from Kuwait Finance House.

Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Environment (FKAAS) had collaborated with Sekolah Kebangsaan Convent Batu Pahat (SKCBP) and Parents & Teachers Association (PIBG) for “gotong-royong” activity in SKCBP. Altogether, 173 volunteers had participated in the activity. Various activities had been done by the volunteers such as painting yellow lines at selected locations for students’ safety purposes, closing pothole with concrete cement mixtures, constructing sink structure with brick bonds, breaking and cleaning of concrete, maintaining and repairing chairs, doors, and windows and many more. This activity was held on 13th March 2019, within 3 hours after the opening ceremony ended.

Green Activity:
Valuable Waste

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21 March 2019

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS), UTHM

61 students from FKAAS

A program named ‘Valuable Waste’ was held on 21st March 2019 by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The speaker of the program was Dr. Nur Shaylinda Mohd Zin. Students were given tasks to collect waste (plastic bottles and paper) for 2 weeks. The group that collected the heaviest waste was given a price. Finally, all the waste collected was sent to 3R cage in UTHM.

APRIL 2019

Green Activity:

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02 April 2019

Tunku Tun Aminah Library (PTTA)

All UTHM Community

A program where unused toys are donated to the library and reusable to Al- Huda Toy Library in Parit Yaani. The public can donate toys to the needy by sending them to PTTA. There is no limit on the number of toys that can be shipped but should still be used. This gift will be distributed to the Al-Huda Toy Library in Parit Yaani. There are many advantages to recycling. Many people see recycling as a huge hassle or a big-time consumer; when the actuality of that, it’s extremely simple and beneficial. Recycling is a process that turns most of the thrown away material to be reused and turned into valuable resources once again. Not only we can reduce the waste to help reduce global warming, but also we can help preserve some of our natural resources by doing so. Your sincere contributions can help those in need. This collection of toys is up to April 30, 2019. As you know, this program helps to increase awareness of recycling and the nature of giving.

Green Activity:
Composting and Community

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14 April 2019

Sekolah Kebangsaan Parit Raja, Batu Pahat

160 Students from standard 4,5 and 6 and 18 Students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

A program named ‘Composting and Community’ was held on 14th April 2019 by Environmental Engineering (Section 1). The speaker of the program was Hareezuddin Bin Mohd Shah. This program aims to expose the concept of composting to the SK Parit Raja’s student by doing a simulation with the student on how to perform a composting and applying self-awareness among the student about the importance of composting waste on the environment. Other than that, this program also presented the importance of 3R that is reduced, reuse and recycle. It also gives an experience to students of environmental engineering to conduct an event with the community.

Green Activity:
Composting Campaign

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17 April 2019

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Timbul

18 Students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia 78 Students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Timbul

A program named ‘Composting Campaign’ was held on 17th April 2019 by Environmental Engineering (Section 1). The speaker of the program was Muhammad Hafiz Bin Mahmood. It is one of the initiatives that the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken to achieve goals for Environmental Engineering course includes developing the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of the solid waste management program and transfer the knowledge to the community. This project also helps students to implement this knowledge in real-life which was gained in lectures. This project aims to engage the younger generation into composting and the importance to reduce waste material.

Green Activity:
Group 1 – Calamansi lime and Lemongrass Plantation

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17 April 2019

Resources Conservation Centre (RCC), Research Recovery Learning Centre (RPPS)- UTHM Recycling Centre

18 Students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and 78 Students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Timbul

One of the initiatives that the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is to achieve goals for Environmental Engineering course includes developing the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of the solid waste management program and transfer the knowledge to the community. This project also helps students to implement this knowledge in real-life which was gained in lectures. This project aims to engage the younger generation into composting and the importance to reduce waste material.

Green Activity:
Composting with Community at SK Seri Rejo Sari, Batu Pahat, Johor

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17 April 2019

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Rejo Sari, Batu Pahat, Johor

175 students from SK Seri Rejo Sari from Standard 1 until standard 6 and 17 students from Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

A program named ‘Composting with Community at SK Seri Rejo Sari, Batu Pahat, Johor’ was held on 17th April 2019 by Group 1, 5, 10 Environmental Engineering (Section 1) students. The speaker of the program was Aqilah Zakiah bt Jahani. “Composting with Community” is a program to expose primary students and local communities about the composting method by using the food waste produced. The program is to conduct a two-way interaction between the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and Sekolah Seri Rejo Sari on how the process and method will carry out to safeguard the environment while managing solid waste generated in their home and school. Not only that, the program wants to expose FKAAS students to local communities and to think critically about food waste management problems. Through this project, students were able to enhance the awareness and development of a sustainable environment for themselves and the community. Last but not least, this program also developing the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of the solid waste management program and transfer this knowledge to the community by using appropriate environmental engineering principles.

Green Activity:
Group 2 – Papaya Planting

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17 April 2019

Resources Conservation Centre (RCC), Research Recovery Learning Centre (RPPS)- UTHM Recycling Center

18 students from UTHM and 78 students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Timbul

One of these initiatives that the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken to achieve the goal for Environmental Engineering course includes the development of the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of the solid waste management program and transfer the knowledge to the community. This project also helps students to implement this knowledge in real-life which was gained in lectures. This project aims to engage the younger generation into composting and the importance to reduce waste material.

Green Activity:
Group 3- Maintenance

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17 April 2019

Resources Conservation Centre (RCC), Research Recovery Learning Centre (RPPS)- UTHM Recycling Center

18 students from UTHM and 78 students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Timbul

One of these initiatives that the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken to achieve the goal for Environmental Engineering course includes the development of the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of the solid waste management program and transfer the knowledge to the community. This project also helps students to implement this knowledge in real-life which was gained in lectures. This project aims to engage the younger generation into composting and the importance to reduce waste material.

Green Activity:
Group 4 – Upgrade The Edible and Nonedible Garden Around RCC

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17 April 2019

Resources Conservation Centre (RCC), Research Recovery Learning Centre (RPPS)- UTHM Recycling Center

5 students

One of these initiatives that the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken to achieve the goal for the Nature Conservation course includes the development and upgrade the edible and non-edible garden around RCC. This project also helps students to implement this knowledge in real-life which was gained in lectures. This project aims to develop the ability to incorporate 3R’s which is a part of nature conservation by producing a product to upgrade the edible or non-edible garden from recyclable material. This project will be able to enhance the awareness and development of a sustainable environment.

Green Activity:
Group 5 – Irrigation System

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17 April 2019

Resources Conservation Centre (RCC), Research Recovery Learning Centre (RPPS)- UTHM Recycling Center

18 students from UTHM and 78 students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Timbul

One of these initiatives that the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken to achieve the goal for Environmental Engineering course includes the development of the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of the solid waste management program and transfer the knowledge to the community. This project also helps students to implement this knowledge in real-life which was gained in lectures. This project aims to engage the younger generation into composting and the importance to reduce waste material.

Green Activity:
CSR@Taman Pagoh Jaya 2 Program

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20 April 2019

Taman Pagoh Jaya 2

Staff and students from the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Environment) Technology program with the cooperation of Muar Municipal Council and SWM Environment.

The CSR@Taman Pagoh Jaya Program is a community service program conducted at Taman Pagoh Jaya 2 on April 20, 2019. It is a ‘Pagoh Zero Wastage’ Program. This program was attended by staff and students from the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Environmental) program in collaboration with the Muar Municipal Council and SWM Environment. The director of the program is Ts Dr. Roslinda Ali. The program was conducted with several activities including ‘plogging’ & ‘waste audit’ with local communities, and a briefing from Muar Municipal Council (MPM) on 5R + 2C practice. This program is a ‘Budget Zero Program’ that does not require the budget to run it. Before the program, the committee has applied for some cash-generating donations for student meals, plogging equipment, souvenirs, and hampers. Contributions are for program continuity. Plogging is a combination of jogging with picking up litter. Plogging brings awareness to know how much litter lies on our streets, parks, and trails. That’s the idea behind “plogging,” a new environmentally conscious fitness-trend where people pick up rubbish while running. A total of 180KG of waste had been collected during this program.

Green Activity:
“Zero Food Waste: From Garbage To Compost” Program

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23 April 2019

Level 2, Tunku Tun Aminah Library (PTTA), UTHM

UTHM students who are interested in and also students who take the environmental subject.

On 23rd April 2019, a program named “Zero Food Waste: From Garbage To Compost” was held at Level 2, Tunku Tun Aminah Library (PTTA), UTHM. This program was participated by UTHM students who were interested in and also students who had taken the environmental subject. This program aimed to introduced people to the use of organic waste as fertilizer to reduce the amount of garbage generated at home. Food waste is a type of waste produced at home that considered natural waste. The program was started with mini-game that gave an overview or exposure of what is composting, fermentation and items which can be composted. Throughout this program, participants were also explained about how to make compost fertilizer.

The demonstration was given on how to make fermented water and how to make compost fertilizer by using dry leaves, soil and fermented water. There are many benefits to this program one is reducing greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases produced when littering happened without the separation of food waste from non-biodegradable waste. When food wastes are used as fertilizer, there will be less carbon dioxide and methane has been released which will chemically reduce the greenhouse effect. Next, by practicing ‘zero food waste’, we can save our money since there is no need to buy anything. Soil quality can be improved by using this compost fertilizer since it provides good nutrients to the soil itself. The lifespan of the plant that uses this natural fertilizer is expected to be longer, greener in color and sweeter in the taste of the fruits produced.

Green Activity:
Composting and Community

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23 April 2019

Sekolah Kebangsaan Pintas Raya, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat

26 Students from Sk Pintas Raya (Standard 5) and 16 Students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

A program named ‘Composting and Community’ was held on 23rd April 2019 by Environmental Engineering (Section 7) students. The speaker of the program was Ameeroul Aizzuwan Bin Khairul Anuar. “Composting with Community” is a program to expose primary students and local communities about the composting method by using the food waste produced. This program aims to expose the concept of composting to SK Pintas Raya’s student. A simulation was done with the students on how to do the composting. This program is important in applying self-awareness among the students about the importance of the environment. Other than that, this program also taught about the importance of 3R which is reduced, reuse and recycle. It also gave an experience to students’ environmental engineering to conduct an event with the community.

MAY 2019

Green Activity:
Technical Visit to IWK Sewage Treatment Plant

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2 May 2019

Light Structure Engineering Technology Laboratory, Sewage Treatment Plant, UTHM Pagoh Campus

Students and Lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK), also a representative from Indah Water

On 2nd May 2019, the students and a lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering Technology had visited the Light Structure Engine Technology Laboratory in UTHM Pagoh Campus. They had a brief class with the lecturer and a representative from Indah Water. In the class session, the students learn the introduction of STP and also the process of the sewage treatment plant. After that, they will go to the sewage treatment plant to discover the whole process. This treatment is good for sustainable waste management, whereby they made various samples and tests to find solutions for sewage treatment.

Green Activity:
Composting Campaign

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5 May 2019

Residential area at Mulot restaurant

5 Students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia and 10 Students from Residential area at Mulot restaurant

A Composting Campaign was held on 5th May 2019 by the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The speaker of the program was Subatra Paramanathan. The main objective of this program was to expose the concept of composting to the people at the host area Mulot Restaurant which was doing a simulation with people about how to do a composting and applying self-awareness among the people. Other than that, this program also taught about the importance of 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). It also gave the experience to students’ environmental engineering to conduct an event with the community.

Green Activity:

Environmental Education Campaign (4R) At Community (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle &

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22 May 2019

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Rejo Sari, Batu Pahat

All Section 5 students from Environmental Engineering class, UTHM and 256 students from Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Rejo Sari

This is one of the initiatives that the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken to achieve goals for the Environmental Engineering course which is to develop the ability to impose and educate younger generations about the importance of 4R through interactive activities. This project also helped students to implement what they have learned during the lecture in real life. One of the groups involved (Group 8) chooses to educate the students about 4R through fashion or clothing. The main purpose of the activity is to ensure students understand the 4Rs concept through games and applying it, especially at school and homes thus enhancing the students’ knowledge on how to implement the 4R concept, especially in their daily life. It is hoped that the students will be able to spread and share the knowledge thus educate people around them about the 4R and make the world a better place.

Green Activity:
Environmental Education Campaign (4R) At Community (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle &

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22 May 2019

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Rejo Sari, Batu Pahat

27 students from SK Seri Rejo Sari and 5 students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

This program is to provide exposure to 4R(reuse, recycle, reduce and recovery) concepts to the students. This concept signifies that the more single-use plastics you refuse, the fewer items you’ll have to reduce and reuse while recycling things, which will be the last resource. Incorporating the 4Rs into our lives is just a game of sorting unwanted items. As a reward for playing this game, we got to educate the children about the 4R in a fun way. This had been a good start for educating and made recycling a more mainstream concept. Through this program, students can develop new skills and practices on what students have been learning in class through every activity conducted (Experiential Learning). With this, students were trained to perform their tasks intellectually and are prepared to handle all critical and creative issues to ensure that the program was implemented successfully.

Green Activity:
CSR activities at SK Penghulu Salleh

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26 May 2019

SK Penghulu Salleh

40 students from UTHM and 80 students from SK Penghulu Salleh

The main objective of this program was to expose students to gain knowledge in environmental for community services, which was by far a very important to BNA students as motivation and inspiration for becoming future technologists graduated from UTHM. One of the first steps in changing food culture was to develop a food growing area at school. A key part of this is having an effective composting system in place. This had been a foundation of organic gardening and has many benefits to the school, community, and environment. Making compost was not only about providing soil and plants with a source of food, but it was also an integral part of working organically and reducing waste. Composting provides a useful way for teachers, pupils, and catering staff to explore educational opportunities altogether. Producing compost reduces waste to landfills, greenhouse gases and dependency upon peat-based growing media and chemical fertilizers, saving money and the environment.

JULY 2019

Green Activity:
Recycling waste management

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4 July 2019


Building cleaning contractor, SWM Environment Sdn. Bhd staff, and a few staff under SCU

On 4th July 2019, a Recycling Waste Management program was conducted at Rumah Pembelajaran Pemulihan Sumber (RPPS), UTHM. The program was basically about managing university recyclable waste. Waste was first collected by cleaning contractors from each zone. Then, waste was delivered to the RPPS which acts as a university waste collection center. Waste was then segregated again according to its category by SWM staff.

Green Activity:
Shredder Machine Project Presentation

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28 July 2019

KANZU Research: Resilient Built and Environment

Sr. Dr. Noralfishah Binti Sulaiman, Dr. Muhammad Akmal Bin Johar, and Madam Nur Hidayah Binti Muslik

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has provided service to recyclable plastics substances such as plastic bottles, containers and more. They built a machine for recycling purposes and they also provided 3D printing services. 3D printing services allow you to print 3D objects using plastics filaments such as PLA and ABS. This machine is called Plastic Shredder Machine. The machine shredded plastic waste into flakes which can later produce other plastic goods. The output size of the flakes can be selected by changing the size inside the machine to create different patterns.  The mission of this initiative was to:

1)           Recycle Plastic. Today’s world has produced about 2500 million tonnes of plastic in a year. The main objective of this project was to cut down the plastic waste by recycling it into other plastic goods.

2)           Encourage Our Community. This project aims to gain awareness about recycling plastic among people, this mission mainly focused on university students and the community around us.

3)           Provide 3D Printing Services. Our mission is to explain to people that plastics can produce 3D objects by only using the printing device machine. From 3D drawing into 3D printed object.

4)           Introduce to Community about 3D Printing. To ensure that our students familiarize with 3D printing devices and it also helps them develop 3D object for their academic projects.

It is hoped that this movement can give awareness to fight plastic pollution.

Green Activity:
Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM) Annual Conference & Gala Dinner

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31 July 2019

Royale Chulan Damansara

A representative from Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WMAM), KPKT Malaysia, Perbadanan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam – SWCorp, Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara (JPSPN), SWM Environment Sdn Bhd, Worldwide Environment, PETRONAS, SSI Schaefer ASIA, E-Idaman Sdn Bhd and Alam Flora Sdn Bhd.

On 31st July 2019 to 1st August 2019, Waste Management Association of Malaysia (WWMAM) Annual Conference & Gala Dinner was held at Royale Chulan Damansara with the theme “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”. The event was supported by KPKT Malaysia Perbadanan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam – SWCorp Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara (JPSPN) and sponsored by SWM Environment Sdn Bhd, Worldwide Environment PETRONAS SSI Schaefer ASIA E-Idaman Sdn Bhd Alam Flora Sdn Bhd. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) has received few awards which are:

  1. Recognition for Green Initiatives Achievement 2019 to Sustainable Campus Office
  2. First prize for Worldwide WMAM-ISWA YPG Sustainability Video Awards 2019 by Planeteers
  3. Consolation Prize for Worldwide WMAM-ISWA YPG Sustainability Video Awards 2019


Green Activity:
RPPS Gotong-Royong Program

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12 September 2019


KANZU Research and Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) staff.

On 12th September 2019, Resources Recovery Learning House (RPPS), UTHM Collection Centre has held a ‘gotong-royong’ program which participated by KANZU Research and Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) staff. There are multiple activities done during this ‘gotong-royong’ program. Activities done were painting two (2) cabins; red cabin used as store representing Coca Cola as sponsor and green cabin as working stations for Planeteers club. Besides, participants involved have cleaned few areas around the RPPS such as cleaning the crops area, cleaning materials inside Coca Cola and Planeteers cabins. This program aimed to improve the image of the Resources Recovery Learning House (RPPS) thus improving the segregation system been used to recycle materials. Attachment of labels for each type of recycled waste to ease the process of waste separating.


Green Activity:
Launching of Recycle Collection Centre

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19 September 2019


Prof. Datuk Ts. Wahid bin Razzaly, Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The program was joined by Datuk Haji Jeffri Bin Abd. Rasid (Director of State Forestry, JPNJ), Encik Mohd Zain Bin Arris (Johor Regional Manager SWM Environment), Profesor Madya Dr. Noor Yasmin Binti Zainun (Director of Swidweb Solutions), Profesor Madya Technologies Dr. Abd. Halid Bin Abdullah (Dean of the Faculty of Civil and Environment Engineering, FKAAS), Sr. Dr. Noralfishah Binti Sulaiman (Director of Sustainable Campus Office and Senior University Officer).

The establishment of Resources Recovery Learning House (RPPS). Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) has launched a university recycling program as the Resources Recovery Learning House (RPPS). RPPS has been used as a place for students’ recycling activities. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering has taken few initiatives to achieve goals for  Environmental Engineering course includes the development of the ability to incorporate composting which is a part of solid waste management and transfer the knowledge to the community. Besides, this project also helps students to implement in real life learned in lectures. This project aims to engage the younger generation into composting and the importance to reduce waste material. The examples of activities are papaya planting activity, irrigation system, upgrade the edible and non-edible garden around RCC, collection of used goods, calamansi lime and lemongrass plantation, development of Resources Conservation Centre (RCC) a Project of Nature Conservation and waste to the landscape. Activities involved students consist of some groups which are from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS). The existence of the RPPS has facilitated further the promotion of a culture of recycling among university students. All the activities involved recyclable materials such as used mineral water bottles. Besides, the use of bamboo as a water sprinkler and used car tyres to place plants. Facilities are upgraded by utilizing used material.

Recycled goods will be sold and accepted at RPPS. The three simple steps involved are collecting, weighing and redeeming.

Green Activity:
Recycling Centre

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19 September 2019


Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) members and all UTHM community.

The Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) has launched a recycling center inside the university through the existence of Rumah Pembelajaran dan Pemulihan Sumber (RPPS). The existence of the RPPS has encouraged the recycling program among the UTHM community. The community around Parit Raja can sell and give all the recyclable stuff to RPPS. Three (3) easy steps involved are Collect, Weight and Sell. 3R waste counter will start the operation on 19th September 2019.

October 2019

Green Activity:
Food Waste Management Program by using Green Technology-Based Composting Technique

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3 October 2019

SK Simpang Rendah

Prof Madya Ts Dr. Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Prof Madya Dr. Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed, Ts Dr. Roslinda Seswoya, Dr. Mohd Hairul bin Khamidun, Mr. Wan Afnizan bin Wan Mohamed, Dr. Noor Amira Sarani, Haqeem Hassan, Nur Jannah Abdul Hamid, Nurul Nabila Huda,

The Food Waste Management Program by using the Green Technology-Based Composting Technique was held with the cooperation of the Kluang District Education Office for all schools in Simpang Renggam in conjunction with the Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP). The Ministry of Education Malaysia was headed by Prof Madya Ts Dr. Aeslina Abdul Kadir at SMK Simpang Renggam.

Lecturers that were also participated are Prof Madya Dr. Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed, Ts. Dr. Roslinda Seswoya, Dr. Mohd Hairul bin Khamidun, and Mr. Wan Afnizan bin Wan Mohamed. There were also few facilitators involved; Dr. Noor Amira Sarani, Haqeem Hassan, Nur Jannah Abdul Hamid, Nurul Nabila Huda, and others.

This program is under KTP Grant 2019, The Ministry of Education Malaysia cooperation with the PPD Kluang and UTHM.

Green Activity:
Handing Composting Materials to 10 schools Around Simpang Renggam Parliament

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10 October 2019

Simpang Renggam

Graduates from UTHM and 10 school around Simpang Renggam

Composting materials handing session held under Knowledge Transfer Programme – KTP Grant. Lifelong Learning Scheme related to food waste management by using a composting technique based on green technology with the cooperation of District Education Department (PPD) Kluang, Johor for schools in Simpang Renggam.

Graduates from UTHM representing The Head of Research Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS), Prof Madya Ts. Dr. Aeslina Binti Abdul Kadir has handed over a few important needs to carry out the composting activity to 10 schools around Simpang Renggam on 10th October 2019. It is hoped that these donations will be useful for the teaching and learning process during the implementation of transferring best practices of food waste management using computational techniques with teachers and students.

Green Activity:
Awareness Program on Managing Food Waste by using Composting Technique

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14 October 2019

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Machap

Prof Madya Ts Dr. Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Associate Professor Ts Dr Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed along with researchers Dr. Noor Amira Sarani and Ms Fatin. There were also 43 facilitators consist of students from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS).

The awareness program for Food Waste Management by using the composting technique in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Machap in conjunction with the Knowledge Transfer Programme (KPT) Grant by Prof Madya Ts Dr. Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Malaysia Ministry of Education. The program was also attended by volunteers form Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Machap dan Sekolah Kebangsaan Maju Jaya. The concept implemented for this program is ‘From Garbage to Healthy Garden – Let’s Compost!’. The program was led by Associate Professor Ts Dr. Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed along with researchers Dr. Noor Amira Sarani and Ms. Fatin. 43 facilitators consisted of students from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS) were also participated. It is hoped that this program can give awareness on reducing food waste by providing knowledge of waste as a useful outcome and green environment.