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SIO 8 – Awareness, Training & Communication Sustainable Activities


Green Activity:
World Toilet Day

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26 January 2019

Indera Mulia Stadium, Ipoh, Perak

IPTA and IPTS volunteers

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) under the administration of the Batu Pahat Municipal Council (MPBP) has secured third place in the National Level Public Toilet 2019, Public and Private Institution of Higher Learning (IPTA/S) category. The toilets that representing UTHM are toilets Men (M) and Women (W), level 1, Block of Technology and Business Management (FPTP), UTHM main campus. This is the first time UTHM joining the World Toilet Day held at Indera Mulia Stadium, Ipoh, Perak. The first place for the category was won by Tun Dr. Ismail, UiTM under the administration of the Pasir Gudang Municipal Council (MPPG), Johor while the second place was held by Merlimau Polytechnic toilet under the administration of the Jasin Municipal Council, Melaka.

The Clean Public Toilet Recognition Competition (PTAB) 2019 is one of the recognition under the Clean Toilet Campaign conducted by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government through the Local Government Department. For the record, this competition was first implemented in 2010 and continued years onwards as the number of participants increased. This is also one of the efforts to improve the quality of hygiene of public toilets in the country. Besides, the competition aimed at giving recognition to Local Authorities (PBTs) and public toilet owners on their efforts and initiatives in establishing clean and comfortable toilets for public use. For this year, 12 categories have been contested. The main criteria assessed by the panel are the overall aspects of cleanliness outlined in the Star Rating Cleanliness of Public Utility Toilet in the PBT area. The winners will be role models to other local authorities throughout Malaysia.



Green Activity:
‘Gotong-Royong Membersihkan Masjid Asahan dan Kawasan Air Terjun Asahan’ & Kidsafe Program

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14 February 2019 until 16 February 2019

Kompleks Majlis Sukan Negara Saujana Asahan, Asahan, Melaka

Students and Lecturers from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Environment (FKAAS)

There were 240 students with 15 lecturers from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) had undergone a Geomatic Engineering Practice (AKG) program from January 14 to February 16 at Kompleks Sukan Negara Saujana Asahan, Asahan, Melaka. Participants comprise two-year students attending Geomatic Engineering courses on campus. For the record, FKAAS runs this program divided into four sessions with a total of 60 students. The implementation of the program is in line with the requirement of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) to enable students to be exposed to the actual situation of a project. According to Program Coordinator AKG, also Head of Department of Infrastructure and Geomatic Engineering, FKAAS, Associate Professor Sr. Dr. Mustaffa Anjang Ahmad.

The Objective of AKG is to provide intensive training on Geomatic Engineering that has been learned before. Additionally, it can provide exposure to fieldwork practices that are typically carried out in civil engineering projects. Upon demands, the SDRC has organized a knowledge transfer program, KidSafe at Sekolah Kebangsaan Asahan. In addition to the transfer of knowledge, students are also conducting sustainable community service activities by organizing the gotong-royong activities to clean Asahan Waterfall and Tun Datuk Seri Utama Dr. Mohd Khalil Yaakob’s Mosque. This program can instill awareness among students that their role is not just around the scope of the lecture but also as a community mobilization agent in the work of volunteerism. From this activity, the students might identify various ways of cleaning a few lakes and transportation safety in UTHM as a continuous project for students.


Green Activity:
Gotong Royong Perdana 2019

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25 February 2019

Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Environment (FKAAS), UTHM.

20 Students and 5 lecturers from FKAAS

There were 20 students and lecturers from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Environment (FKAAS) had taken part in Gotong-Royong Perdana that had organized by the top management of Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Throughout this program, they had divided into groups and cleaned the area of their faculty. The objective of this program is to make the university clean and neat. Some of the activities that had been done by the students and lecturers are collecting the items that can be recycled, sweep and collect the dried leaves and many more. The students are very pleased and happy with the achievement that they achieved on that day. This will increase their awareness of keeping their university clean and also recycling matters. This activity helps the relationship between students and lecturers.



MARCH 2019

Green Activity:
Fruit Sale

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07 March 2019

Near ATM

UTHM Communities

The activity was held by the Centre for Business and Entrepreneurship UTHM. Fruits offered at low prices by the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) from  Simpang Renggam. There were lohan guavas and watermelons sold. The objective of this activity is to increase the awareness of students to start the business, other than buying local fruits. This activity started at 10.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m., which located beside an ATM. Throughout the whole day experience, there were a lot of customers buy some local fruits and getting more network with the seller.


Green Activity:
Let’s s Clean,  Go Green 2019

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12 March 2019

Rimba Terjun Coast, Pontian, Johor.

Students and lecturers from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Environment (FKAAS)

There were 75 undergrads and 8 lecturers from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the Environment (FKAAS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) together plant 1,000 mangrove seed in Rimba Terjun coast to increase awareness on mangrove tree conservation. “Let’s Clean Go Green” is one of the awareness and volunteer activities to promote swamp conservation. This program was organized by the Micropollutant Research Centre (MPRC) and Water Environmental Engineering Department, FKAAS in collaboration with the South of Johor District Forest Department. This program is also conjunction with “World Forest Day”. The purpose of this activity was to conserve mangrove forests that act as natural protectors from stormy and shoreline erosion and help deal with an imbalance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This activity can help in maintaining environmental sustainability for future generations. According to the Head of Water Environmental Engineering Department, Dr. Rafidah Hamdan says that they will also strive to raise public awareness by actively contributing ideas and energy to the preservation of mangroves in the area. Nevertheless, this activity helps to impart knowledge to the volunteers on mangrove tree protection from pollution and to form good networking between government departments, agencies, youth, and communities.


Green Activity:
Karnival Patriotism 2019

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17 March 2019


Students from PALAPES, Kor SUKSIS, Kor SISPA, RELASIS SISKOR, KLKM, Korsiswa BOMBA, BSMM, and Persatuan Pandu Puteri

The Secretariat of the Uniform Body in collaboration with the Student Affairs and Alumni Affairs Office (HEPA), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) organized the Patriotism Carnival 2019 on 7 March to 16 May involving the participation of uniform bodies in the university. There are participation and commitment of nine uniform bodies which are PALAPES, Kor SUKSIS, Kor SISPA, RELASIS SISKOR, KLKM, Korsiswa BOMBA, BSMM and Persatuan Pandu Puteri  The organization aims to create a discussion space, partnership, cooperation, experience and ideas in strengthening the patriotism spirit among students of the Uniform Body at UTHM. 2019 Patriotism Carnival is also a platform for organizing activities that can identify issues related to the Uniform Body as well as to raise the spirit of high patriotism among participants through volunteer activities. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Afandi Ahmad attended the Patriotism 2019 Carnival Closing Ceremony held on May 16 at the Tunku Mahkota Ismail Hall, the main campus. In his speech, he called on all the uniforms involved to always get united in striving for their goals and mutual respect. “I am delighted with the organizing of this carnival which involves the cooperation of nine uniform bodies and is very hopeful that this big team will be able to instill a culture of consensus to get more blessings,” he said. Also held during the event, the Ramadan tazkirah presented by Ustaz Muhammad Amirulhakim Saparudin from the Islamic Center of UTHM and ended with a breaking of fast.


APRIL 2019

Green Activity:
Academic Visit UTHM-KIAS Arabic Language Degree

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8 April 2019

International Language Department, Language Studies Center, University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

30 students of the Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic College (KIAS) with an escort officer

International Language Department, Language Studies Centre, University of Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM) has received academic visits from students of Sultan Ismail Petra International Islamic College(KIAS) on 8 April 2019. The program, attended by 30 students with an escort officer, Hisyamuddin Mohd Yusof, aims to exchange ideas and views on Arabic language teaching and learning among universities and college students. Apart from that, the visit is also to share knowledge on Arabic language learning online, the importance of Arabic language as well as sharing about the opportunity to further education by the Academic Development Centre, UTHM. KIAS students are also given the chance to visit several university areas, including libraries and language center labs, to get to know the university more closely.

Feedback received, this academic visit can attract and motivate KIAS students to pursue their studies at the university someday. Commenting on the effectiveness of the program, the Dean of Language Studies, Dr. Zailin Shah Yusoff said such an academic visit was encouraged as well as being able to exchange ideas, in an indirect way it was able to uplift Arabic knowledge among UTHM and KIAS students. Meanwhile, Head of International Language Department, Nurul Sabrina Zan said that such a program would be able to improve the relationship between UTHM and KIAS instead of promoting UTHM to the public. He added that the exchange and sharing of opinions and ideas about Arabic also helped both parties, which are UTHM and KIAS to improve the existing teaching and learning process.


Green Activity:
“We Know, We Care, We Make!” Community Service Program

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13 April 2019

SMK Dato ‘Sulaiman, Parit Sulong, Batu Pahat, Johor

320 participants comprising schoolteachers, teachers, students, and FTK staff.

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) continues to play its role as a university for the community by organizing various community programs involving local communities. The latest, Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK) in collaboration with SMK Dato ‘Sulaiman, Parit Sulong, Batu Pahat, Johor, and SWCorp Batu Pahat Branch organized a Community Service Program entitled “We Know, We Care, We Make!” This Environment is in line with the needs of the National STEM Movement which emphasizes the dissemination of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical Information (STEM) to enhance the inclination and understanding of school students in this field.

The second annual program is organized by the Environmental and Conservation course, FTK under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Nor Haslina Hashim involved about 320 participants comprising schoolteachers, teachers, students, and FTK staff. The same was attended by the Dean of the FTK, Associate Professor Ts Amran Mohd Zaid concluded the inauguration ceremony held on the same day. According to Nor Haslina, the program was very encouraging when the school’s STEM Carnival program was held simultaneously during the week. Apart from organizing two slots of hearing sessions, the program is also enlivened by environmental-friendly exhibition and conservation activities by FTK students. A total of eight exhibition stations loaded with STEM-themed information and activities are also available to students and visitors. The exhibition was also completed by three-panel members to complete the project evaluation for the course. I also held a robotic exhibition by final year students of the industry automation / FTK manufacturing division under Ts. Dr. Amirul Shafiq Sadun. The group which won the fourth Malaysian Combat Robot Competition and fifth place for Robocon Malaysia at the national level managed to get the attention of school students when they showed high interest in small robots and combat robots on display.

Meanwhile, a demonstration of composting was also held by the SWCorp specifically for students, schoolteachers, and FTK students. This demonstration shows how composting using the Takakura method can help compost food waste which is among the largest waste contributors in Malaysia. He added that in conjunction with the program, the Recycling Materials Collection Week was also launched by the school. Earlier, the school managed to collect 440kg of paper, 45kg plastic bottles, 3kg of aluminum tin and 39kg of iron for their students’ efforts. The recycling material was handed over to the Muar branch of the Solid Waste Management and a sum of RM170 was deposited into the school fund. “The organizing of this program is expected to increase awareness on the importance of environmental care as well as to increase the interest of students in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. “This collaboration will hopefully further strengthen the relationship between the university, the community, and the industry and give added value to UTHM students and school students through bilateral interactions,” he said.


Green Activity:
Microsoft Word Basic Course in conjunction with the Launching Ceremony of the Life Learning Program and Operation of Temporary Premises of Simpang Renggam Community College

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14 April 2019

Simpang Renggam

Head of villages, community leaders and residents around Simpang Renggam and officiated by Dr. Maszlee Malik

To develop close integration between University-Society, UTHM through Information Technology Department, Diploma Education Centre (CeDS) has participated in a knowledge transfer program iCAN (ICT as Enabler) Focus Group organized by Simpang Renggam Parliamentary Office with the teamwork of Kluang Community College. In the effort of enhancing information technology among societies, five group member of iCAN Group Focus; Deputy Dean of Students Affairs & Alumni CeDS, Mariam Abdul Hamid; Head of Information Technology Department, Mohd Hatta Mohamed Ali @ Md Hani; ICAN Focus Group Leader, Muhamad Hanif Jofri; Ida Aryanie Bahrudin and Mohd Suhaimi Md Yasin conducted the Microsoft Word Basic Course in conjunction with the Launching Ceremony of the Life Learning Program and Operation of Temporary Premises of Simpang Renggam Community College.

The courses held at the Teacher’s Activity Center are participated by the head of a village, community leaders and residents of Simpang Renggam. Teaching approaches and demonstrations in small groups allow participants to get skill support faster and easier. The course is officiated by Malaysian Education Minister, Dr. Maszlee Malik which also Simpang Renggam’s member of parliament, he concluded the Launching Ceremony of the Lifelong Learning and Operation of the Temporary Premises of Simpang Renggam Community College. He in his speech encouraged the head of village and community leaders to have information technology and management skills to facilitate administrative affairs as well as encourage a lifelong learning culture to be implemented in the community.


Green Activity:
Promotion of Kitar3cycle

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19 April 2019

Faculty of Engineering Technology, UTHM Pagoh Campus

Students from the Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK) and staff from SWM Environment Sdn. Bhd.

SWM Environment Sdn Bhd continued its promotion journey on Kitar3cycle to the Faculty of Engineering Technology in UTHM Pagoh Campus. This program gives a lot of benefits to the people towards the recycling activities. With participation from the people, there will be a high possibility of reducing the amount of rubbish generation to the landfill. In this program, the staff from SWM Environment Sdn Bhd, Encik Muhammad Bakhtiar bin Azni explained on solid waste isolation at source and the practice of 3R, which are; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. He also explained to the students how important recycling is and also the new technology application, which is Kitar3cycle. Kitar3cycle is an environmental application where it can organize and manage solid waste. It is designated to help people to communicate with their community to make a better environment. Besides, this application can also manage their activities on recycling waste and gives recycling points as a reward. With this application, it can be a solution provider of waste separation and recycling. This is because they are platforming the social business portal that allows the consumers, individuals, and organizations to track, monitor and update their performance in their recycling activities.


Green Activity:
Senior Citizens Programme

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20 April 2019

Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheng, Melaka

Students of UTHM RELASIS organized by RELASIS Youth Volunteer Office and Senior Citizens in Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheng.

A total of 35 students of UTHM RELASIS and 3 RELASIS officers participated in Senior Citizens Programme which was held in Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheng, Melaka on 20th April 2019. The objective of this program is to provide motivation and awareness to the students in appreciating, respecting, loving and assisting older people. In the morning, the students spent time with older people by doing morning exercises. The students will put some music and started the exercise. Older people looked happy and excited with this particular activity. The students had started to mingle around with older people so that they had some communication. Throughout this program, the students spent a lot of time with the older people by sharing stories, take a walk, playing games and many more.

The feedback from the older people was positive and they hope that the students can come again and do this kind of activity. These older people were very appreciated with the attendance of students from UTHM. Besides, the students are helping older people by cleaning and renovate a few rooms that were used frequently by older people such as the bathroom, the bedroom, and the hall room. The owner of the house was very pleased with the hard work made by the students. In the ending ceremony, a representative student thankful for giving them this opportunity to help older people and they were willing to do these activities sincerely. Before the ceremony ended, they had a giving session, where students gave presents to older people.


Green Activity:
Sembang Teknologi Awam – Siri 1 Defect, Detection & Diagnosis

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23 April 2019

Auditorium 4, Kemudahan Gunasama, Pagoh Higher Education Hub.

All year students of Civil Engineering Technology  Sem I Session 2018/2019, a moderator and few panelists from UTHM as well as guest from JKR

This program is based on JTKA’s concern together with Building Intelligent Management (BIM) Focus Group. The program is a talk forum featuring a professional icon and a panelist with the expertise to discuss current issues and any matters related to civil engineering technology. It is also implemented to expose students to the culture of knowledge and mind discourse related to current issues and matters concerning Civil Engineering Technology and considered as a good platform for students of Civil Engineering Technology to give opinions, ask questions and share ideas with other forum panels and students. The main objective of the program is to share knowledge of Professional Panelists to students of Engineering Technology.

Next, to explain about building defects and how to diagnose disabilities to students. The program was held on 23 April 2019 at Auditorium 4, Kemudahan Gunasama, Pagoh Education Hub participated by Students of Civil Engineering Technology 1, 2, 3 and 4 Sem I Session 2018/2019., a moderator and few panelists from UTHM and JKR. Sr. Ts. Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Bin Abdul Rahman from Faculty of Engineering Technology, UTHM Campus Pagoh as moderator of the program. Besides the moderator, there are few panelists involved in sharing knowledge which is Ir. Ts. Dr. Raha Binti Abdul Rahman from Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Ir. Ts. Mohd Hairi Bin Osman as well as Ir. Ts. Mohd Kamaruzaman Bin Musa from Faculty of Engineering Technology, UTHM Campus Pagoh. Invitation Panelists was Sr. Dr. Syamilah Binti Yacob who is a Senior Building Surveyor from JKR.


Green Activity:
Program Khidmat Komuniti Swadaya Desa

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27 April 2019

‘Orang Asli’ village of Sungai Selangi, Mawai, Kota Tinggi

Villagers of Kampung Sungai Selangi, representative of PPUK UTHM and Johor Orang Asli Development Department (JAKOA) and Sport and Fitness UTHM students.

A total of 61 students in Sports & Fitness and Islamic Intrusion under the School of Public and Co-curricular (PPUK), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), worked together to run the Swadaya Desa community service program with the ‘Orang Asli’ of ‘Kanaq’ tribe on 27th April 2019. ‘Kanaq’ tribe of Sungai Selangi is the only ‘Kanaq’ tribe left in the entire world. This village consists of 26 families and only 92 ‘Orang Asli’ who are still living in the area. Adhering to the aspirations of ‘University For Society, the two groups of students involved have gotong-royong activities to clean up the village to create a clean and healthy environment. Besides, to strengthen the relationship with the villagers, the Sports and Fitness subjects groups have organized community sports activities as well as sharing sessions on healthy food consumption and hygiene in a way of helping each house in the village. The program ends with the fidyah contribution gift to the 26 families from Kota Tinggi Baitulmal by Sedili Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, Tuan Haji Rasman Haji Ithnain. Also present were Penghulu Kampung Sungai Selangi, representatives from PPUK UTHM and Johor Orang Asli Development Department (JAKOA).

According to Rasman, the ‘Kanaq’ tribe is ‘Orang Asli’ people who come from Sekanak Bay, Singkep Island, Riau. They then migrated to Kota Tinggi at the command of Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim during the mid-18th century due to the threat of the Dutch. There are less than 100 populations and they are now threatened with extinction. It is very encouraged if there are researchers from UTHM who are willing to study and maintain the sustainability of this race.



Green Activity:
Program Khidmat Masyarakat bersama Penduduk Kampung Jawa

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28 April 2019

Masjid Jamek An-Nur, Kampung Jawa, 84500 Panchor, Muar

BIM, CETSS, JTKA staff, UTHM students and Kampung Jawa villagers

A community services program was held on 28 April 2019 at Masjid Jamek An-Nur, Kampung Jawa, 884500 Panchor, Muar. This program involves volunteers amongst students, lecturers, industry fellows and assistant engineers from the Department of Civil Engineering Technology (JTKA) and Smart Building Management Focus (BIM), Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK). The program was organized by UTHM, FTK UTHM, BIM, JTKA, and CETSS.

This community services program involved all the cleaning works inside and outside of the An-Nur Mosque. Activities include cleaning the fan, prayer mat and floor. Some participants do painting, cleaning the drains and sweeping the mosque area. Next, the building of the mosque was tested through the transfer of knowledge and skills of building structure conditions known as Building Condition Assessment (BCA). Hence, the community service was able to provide exposure to the locals on systematic methods in conducting structural investigations and building maintenance. With this knowledge sharing, residents will be more concerned about the signs of building damage and take the necessary steps to prevent further damage from happening.

Building investigations that are shared with locals are to periodically monitor the components of the building structure and provide checklist documents to record any defects in the building. Industry Fellows, Ir. Ts. Mohamad Hairi Osman said they are also willing to share the knowledge and experience related to buildings with various levels of society and government agencies if needed in the interests of their safety, health, and comfort. Masjid Jamek An-Nur Kg. Jawa, Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Pawiroh said that the efforts made by the UTHM are very good as the Pagoh branch campus is located near to Kampung Jawa.

Organizing programs involving UTHM students and local communities is one of the initiatives planned by the university to fulfill its social obligations to the community. The program aimed at strengthening the role of the university towards realizing the knowledgeable village for the benefit of the whole world. Program coordinator, Ts Mohd Syafiq Syazwan Mustafa, said the program was held at the Jamek An-Nur mosque as a sign of concern for the community’s welfare of the local community as well as to further strengthen the brotherhood relationship by conducting volunteer work in conjunction with the Ramadhan 1440H.

The program which highlighted the spirit of volunteerism should be continued in the future and we also hope that the existing relationship will be prolonged by carrying out various activities from time to time. The same hope is also emphasized by the Dean of FTK, Associate Professor Ts. Amran Mohd Zaid which looking forward to a partnership with the community through volunteer work as well as the transfer of technical knowledge to local community development.


MAY 2019

Green Activity:
Mural Painting at Taska Permata Kemas

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1 May 2019

Taska Permata Kemas, Pagoh

JTM students

On 1st May 2019, there were a community service programs held at TASKA Permata KEMAS, Pagoh. The program was participated by 6 JTM students accompanied by Pn Rosfuzah Roslan. These students were working on mural projects to beautify the Taska building environment with the help of iCAN Focus Group in terms of guidance. This activity able to develop teamwork skills among participants as well as strengthens the relationship between students, lecturers, and communities. Instead of allowing students to contribute to society, this kind of program is also the best platform for them to adapt to the community after graduating. The mural drawing is based on the occupation which enables the kindergarten students to recognize occupation character based on the mural drawings. It turns out that community service has a positive impact on students especially in contributing to the community by using a variety of knowledge and skills. It is hoped that with this more cheerful school environment, students will get more attracted to attend school thus develop students’ interest in the study.


Green Activity:
Program Gotong-Royong Perdana

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1 May 2019

Surau As-Syakirin, Kg. Sg. Kalong Getah, Senggarang

A volunteer from the Information Technology Centre (PTM)

Department of Information Technology (JTM), Center for Diploma Studies (CeDS) Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia University (UTHM) collaborated with the Village Community Management Council (MPKK) Kg. Sg. Buloh, Committee Member (AJK) An-Nur Mosque Sg. Buloh, AJK Surau As-Syakirin Kg Sg. Kalong Getah, Senggarang, and Youth 4B Era Jaya have jointly organized the community service activities at the mosque and the cemetery on 1st May 2019. The activities involving 37 volunteers among JTM students work together over the painting of the mosque fence, village signboards and flower boxes (planter boxes), washing the pavement, wiping windows, sweeping rubbish, grazing in cemeteries and throwing rubbish around the affected area.

The four-day activities of the community service were led by Prof Madya Miswan Surip and assisted by Pn Ida Aryanie Bahrudin as Head of Public Service Coordinator CeDS. The opening ceremony of the community service program was officiated by Senggarang State Assemblyman (ADUN), IR Khairuddin Abdul Rahim. In conjunction with this program, AsEabler ICT Focus Group (iCAN) and ICT for Technology Humanization (ITech) Focus Group from JTM, CeDS has taken the opportunity to organize knowledge transfer workshops. The Focus Group of iCAN has implemented Social Media Utility Workshop for Information Dissemination to surau and mosque AJK and the ITech Focus Group has implemented the Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Introduction Program to children in Kg. Sg. Buloh. The Focus Group iCAN was represented by Pn Juliana Mohamed while ITech’s Focus Group was represented by Dr. Shelena Soosay Nathan, Ms. Rosni Ramle and En. Fawwaz bin Mohd Nasir.

The opening of the Prime Gotong-royong Program that was held at Surau As-Syakirin, Kg. Sg. Kalong Getah, Senggarang was officiated by Deputy Speaker of the Community Hall of Representatives and Batu Pahat Member of Parliament, Datuk Haji Mohd Rashid Hasnon. In his speech, he expressed his joy in organizing programs involving the university and the community as well as the involvement of students in knowledge transfer activities to the community.


JUNE 2019

Green Activity:
Eid Mubarak Celebration – Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and Research Centre for Soft Soil (RECESS)

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13 June 2019


The staff’s community from the Research Centre for Soft Soil (RECESS) and UTHM

The Soft Land Research Center (RECESS), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) held an Aidilfitri Open House Council at the central yard on June 13 to enhance the celebration this year. Head of Center, Ts. Dr. Nor Azizi Yusoff in his speech said the event was aimed to friendly and strengthen brotherhood relations between leaders with university officials as well as strengthening cooperation between RECESS UTHM and local leaders. “Thank you to all the present, including RECESS friends from abroad, from Taiwan and Japan,” he said. Also present at the event was the exhibition of research results from UTHM researchers as well as special feasts for guests’ banquet. The Aidilfitri Open House was also attended by Datuk Dr. Shahruddin Md Salleh, Deputy Minister of Federal Territories and Sri Gading Member of Parliament, Ir. Hajj. Abdullah Monday, Director-General of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia and Professor Ts. Dr. Wahid Razzaly, UTHM Vice-Chancellor. They also spend time visiting the exhibition grounds while working with researchers

Green Activity:
 “Pasti Skor” Programme

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16 June 2019

Dewan Sultan Ibrahim, UTHM

Around 300 UTHM students

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Office, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) expressed her concern by organizing the Setu Kasih TNC HEPA ‘Pasti Skor’ program at the Sultan Ibrahim Hall, the main campus on June 16 to help boost the spirit students face the exam. The programs implemented at the main campus and Pagoh branch campus are the second to be held at the start of the semester exams at the university. This program is a HEPA UTHM leadership initiative to assist students in the examination week with feeding such as bananas, bread and drinking water as well as motivational words as a motivator. According to Deputy Vice-Chancellor (HEPA), Associate Professor Dr. Afandi Ahmad this gift is one of the ways the leadership and management of the university approached the students to be friendly before they entered the examination hall. “This gift is not so much, but the smiling sculpture on the faces of the students before applying for the exam is enough to make us happy,” he said. The program is also one of the noble efforts to instill a culture of excitement, affection and mutual respect in line with the commitment of the Charity Campus (KAMIUTHM) as the DNA of the excellence of UTHM citizens. Feeding for students led by Associate Professor Dr. Afandi and assisted by HEPA officials. Also present were UTHM Vice-Chancellors, Professor Ts. Dr. Wahid Razzaly.

JULY 2019

Green Activity:
100 schools participate in the RERO Annual Championship 2019

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22 July 2019 until 23 July 2019

Dewan Tunku Mahkota Ismail, UTHM

Around 51 primary schools and 71 secondary schools

Around 100 schools from all over Johor took part in a two-day RERO Annual Championship (RAC 2019) held in Tunku Crown Court Ismail, UTHM from 22 July 2019 until 23 July 2019. This event was organized by RERO team in collaboration with Cytron Technologies in support of the MDEC movement and the Minister of Education (KPM) initiative with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (FKMP), UTHM was lively when 51 primary schools and 71 secondary schools attended to participate in this competition for evaluation and competed to qualify for the national level. A team of three students and accompanied by a companion teacher. The competition was organized to find the best team to represent the state of Johor at national and international competitions as well as to give students more opportunities to develop their talents and creativity in electric and electronic fields.

In addition, to host the competition for the second time, UTHM has successfully established a good relationship with KPM and Cytron Technologies, in support of KPM’s initiative that seeks to transform Malaysian youth from digital consumers to publishers in the digital economy. These categories were contested in the competition – the “RERO Micro Live Coding”, the “RERO Jr Live Coding” and the “RERO Build Your Own Robot” where students had to compete for level tasks to earn points with their own programmed robots.

The closing ceremony of the competition took place in the afternoon and was officiated by Associate Professor Dr. Shahruddin Mahzan, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing (FKMP) accompanied by Deputy Dean and a few representatives from Cytron Technologies. For the record, this is the fourth edition robotic competition hosted by RERO team since 2015.

Green Activity:
UTHM Vice-Chancellor Invites the Campus Community to Serve an Exemplary Cultural Service

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28 July 2019

Dewan Sultan Ibrahim, UTHM.

Around 250 UTHM lecturers and staffs

Vice-Chancellor UTHM, Professor Ts. Dr. Wahid Razzaly called on the campus community to practice ENDAH or Care culture in carrying out their daily tasks to further enhance the quality of their services during the UTHM Half Year Reflection Council on 28 July 2019 at Sultan Ibrahim Hall, UTHM. The event, which brings together the UTHM main campus residents along with UTHM Pagoh Education Hub, was a catalyst for the Vice-Chancellor to convey his mandate and vision to the university community.

Throughout the meeting, he adopted a human approach by emphasizing the important aspects of ENDAH among university students. He outlined six aspects of Exha’s cultural practice that could spur UTHM’s name on Excellence in Work Quality, Integrity and Reputation University, Persons with Disabilities, Health, Sustainability of Resources and Community Service.

According to him, the culture of Endah if inculcated and practiced in their own right could create a harmonious working environment among UTHM residents thus enhancing organizational productivity. The increase in UTHM’s productivity was strongly emphasized by the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that the role of the university for the community was fulfilled in line with the intention of the Ministry of Education, Dr. Maszlee Malik.

He discussed that the half-yearly Performance indicator (KPI) achievements report of 2019 which sets some records for the attention and action of all citizens. He also summarized the UTHM KPI as of 30th June 2019, showing impressive results, but more attention was needed to the clusters that had not reached their target.


Green Activity:
Infrastructure Endowment Project: UTHM Builds Alternative Routes to Sultan Ibrahim Mosque

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28 July 2019

Masjid Sultan Ibrahim, UTHM

Dato’ Dr. Hj. Nooh Gadot, member of the University Board of Directors, UTHM Waqaf Advisor, Professor Ts. Dr. Wahid Razzaly, UTHM Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Adzlan Hj. Raju, Confidential Secretary of the Federal Territory Minister and Member of Parliament for Sr Gading, Associated Professor Dr. Afandi Ahmad, Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni), Professor Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Abd Karim, Assistance Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Planning and Corporate Relations), Professor Sr. Dr. Wan Zahari Wan Yusoff, Director of UTHM Endowment Centre.

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) continued to express its concern to the community by constructing an alternative route to Sultan Ibrahim Mosque located on the main campus. The construction of alternative routes under the Prasarana Wakaf project was aimed at facilitating locals and UTHM residents to go to Sultan Ibrahim Mosque to perform prayers and attend organized religious activities. The implementation of this project was also a sign of UTHM’s concern in ensuring that the needs of the people who wished to perform the workship at the mosque are met.

The project, which was estimated to cost RM 351,000 included the infrastructure works such as land compression, leveling, and widening of roads including the construction of security posts for parking areas around the mosque. This groundbreaking ceremony was officiated by Dato’ Dr. Hj. Nooh Gadot, member of the University Board of Directors and UTHM Waqaf Advisor on 28 July 2019. The ceremony was also witnessed by Professor Ts. Dr. Wahid Razzaly, UTHM Vice-Chancellor, and Mr. Adzlan Hj. Raju, Confidential Secretary of the Federal Territory Minister and Member of Parliament for Sr Gading. According to Hj. Nooh Gadot, this waqf project was a noble workship that promises great rewards to Muslims. In addition, to the charity donation for the afterlife, the implementation of this project also facilitated the community to go and pray at the mosque.

He hoped that this project can be carried out in a transparent and timely manner to enable the local community to perform their workship without having to go through the busy and high-risk main roads. Also presented at the ceremony, Associated Professor Dr. Afandi Ahmad, Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs & Alumni), Professor Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Abd Karim, Assistance Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Planning and Corporate Relations), Professor Sr. Dr. Wan Zahari Wan Yusoff, Director of UTHM Endowment Centre.


Green Activity:
FPTV-SK Seri Bandan collaborate on organization program SULAM

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19 September 2019

Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bandan, Olak Batu, Parit Raja.

51 student of Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) 83 student Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bandan, Olak Batu, Parit Raja.

BATU PAHAT – In line with the goal of making “University For Society,” UniversitI Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) through Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) has implemented a community service program called Service Learning Malaysia – University for Society (SULAM) with the Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bandan, Olak Batu, Parit Raja.

There are 51 students in the subject of Curriculum Management below was involved in the program with 83 students at the school.

The program runs on November 15 and 16 in conjunction with the Uniform Curriculum Day and Uniform Camp. It is aimed at providing a platform for credit-based educational experiences where FPTV students can contribute to community service.

According to Program Director, Ms Mustika Amira’s SULAM program featured field education, which included camp sessions and community service with SK Seri Bandan students to brighten their school environment. In addition to being green for the environment.

According to him, organizing such programs is aimed at meeting the needs of the community through community service and volunteerism using the expertise of the students.

“We UTHM students are very grateful to SK Seri Bandan for providing the opportunity to work together to make the Uniform Curriculum Day and Uniform Camp this time,” he said.

Meanwhile, SK Seri bandan Headmaster, Mrs. Hajah Hariza Abdul Hamid said they were very fortunate to have FPTV UTHM students share their knowledge with the students and help them enliven the school environment with interesting murals and landscapes.

“We hope that more collaborative programs between UTHM students and the school will be implemented for the purpose of academic development as well as the students’ personalities,” he added.



Green Activity:
UTHM Students’ Benefits from Food Donation Program (Phase 2)

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08 October 2019

UTHM Main Campus and UTHM Pagoh Education Hub

Around 180 UTHM students

Student Affair Association (PHEP) had organized the “Food Donation Program (Phase 2)” which involved 180 students in families with B40 income. The organizer distributed the foods to the selected students in both UTHM main campus and UTHM Pagoh education hub. This program was led by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Afandi Ahmad, along with Mrs. Hawa Omar, Director of Student Affairs Office, Students Representative Council (MPP) and UTHM Student Consumer Protocol Committee.

As for the record, the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) had previously targeted 20,000 undergraduate students from low-income families (B40) through the Food Bank Students Malaysia Program by the end of this year. In ensuring that this assistance program runs smoothly, PHEP welcomes these generous contributions of any generous donor to UTHM Student Food Bank.


Green Activity:
Food Waste Management Awareness Program Using Composting Techniques

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31 October 2019

SJK (C) Tuan Poon, Simpang Renggam, Johor.

Volunteer students from faculty of civil and environment engineering and students SJK (C) Tuan Poon with advisory lecturer.

On 31 October 2019, Food Waste Management Awareness Program Using Composting Techniques is held in SJK (C) Tuan Poon, Simpang Renggam, Johor. The purpose of this program is for give knowledge and awareness to students in school that about compost and environment. This program is led by volunteer students from faculty of civil and environment engineering with advisory lecturer.

We are focused this program to students so that they got awareness from early age.  Process of composting is one method for change organic substance to other substance that more stable which many positive features and can used again to soils. Finally, product environmentally friendly, clean and also low toxic content.

We hope this program can give positive impacts in efforts to green the earth and preserve environments. Indirectly, it can guarantee environments for stay clean, comfortable and fresh to live in.




Green Activity:
Compost and Recycling Demonstration Program in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato’ Hassan Yunos, Renggam (Grant KTP 132)

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2 November 2019

Sekolah Menengah Dato’ Hj. Hassan Yunos, Renggam, Johor

PM Ts Dr. Aeslina Abdul Kadir, PM Ts Dr Rafidah Hamdan, Ts. Dr. Roslinda Seswoya, Dr. Noor Amira Sarani, Cik Fatin and also 30 students in Civil Engineering (FKAAS).

On 2 November 2019 was held food waste management awareness program using techniques composting in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato’ Hassan Yunos, Renggam, Johor in conjunction knowledge transfer program (KTP) by Prof Madya Ts Dr. Aeslina Binti Abdul Kadir.

the theme of this program is ZERO FOOD WASTE FROM GARBAGE TO COMPOST!’

This program is led by accompanying lecturer Prof Madya Ts Dr. Rafidah Hamdan with researcher Dr Noor Amira Sarani and Cik Fatin and also 30 students civil engineering (FKAAS).

During this program is implemented it’s a little bit can give awareness to reduce leftover food, after knowledge about using leftover for something that worth and role for green the earth also delivered. The process of composting is one method for change organic substance to other substances that are more stable with many positive features and can be used again to the soil. Finally, the product becomes environmental friendly, clean and also low toxic content. Because of that, to maintain the beauty of the earth from being contaminated we can apply the techniques as an effort to preserve environments. Indirectly, it can guarantee well-being for the long term. Because of that, is a together responsibility for control leftover food more prudently so our green home environment stays clean, comfortable and fresh to live in.



Green Activity:
Compost and Recycling Demonstration Program in Sekolah SRJK T Bukit Renggam (Grant KTP K132)

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4 November 2019

SRJK (T) Bukit Renggam, Johor

PM Ts Dr. Aeslina Abdul Kadir, PM Ts Dr. Rafidah Hamdan and Dr Roslinda Seswoya operated by Student BFC 32403, semester 1 2019/2020

On 4 November 2019, Compost and Recycling Demonstration Program with using composting technique is held in Sekolah SRJK T Bukit Renggam Johor. The purpose of this program is to give knowledge and awareness to students in the school about compost and the environment. This program is held in conjunction knowledge transfer program (KTP) by Prof Madya Ts Dr Aeslina Binti Abdul Kadir.

The theme of this program is “ZERO FOOD WASTE FROM GARBAGE TO COMPOST!”

This program is led by accompanying lecturer PM Ts Dr. Rafidah Hamdan together Ts. Dr. Roslinda Seswoya also student BFC 32403, semester 1 2019/2020.

We are focused on this program for students so that they got awareness from an early age.  The process of composting is one method for change organic substance to other substance that more stable with many positive features and can be used again to the soil. Finally, product environmentally friendly, clean and also low toxic content. Hope this program can give positive impacts in efforts to green the earth and preserve environments. Indirectly, it can guarantee environments to stay clean, comfortable and fresh to live in.



Green Activity:

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27 November 2019

Panchor, Muar, Johor

Muhamad Bakhtiar Azni, Corporate Communications and Government Affairs Officer, SWM Environment Sdn.Bhd, Profesor Madya Ts. Dr. Norshuhaila Mohamed Sunar, Head Officer for Civil Engineering Technology (JTKA), 13 lecturers , 95 second year students of the Department of Civil Engineering Technology and villagers Mukim, Panchor.

Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK), University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) through the Department of Civil Engineering Technology (JTKA) has organized the “University for Society” Program at SULAM Panchor for 10 weeks from September 15 to November 23.

The SULAM program is called the “Sustainable Green Community” involved 95 second-year students in the Department of Civil Engineering Technology for an introductory course in Environmental Engineering with 13 lecturers and the community around Panchor.

According to Program Director, Mrs Nor Maizzaty Abdullah the program was a collaboration between UTHM, Muar Municipal Council (MPM), Southern Waste Management (SWM) and the Jorak / Panchor District Head Office involving five villages namely Jawa Village, Kampung Pengkalan Bukit, Kampung Terus Kampung Melayu and Kampung Sri Tanjung and Berohol / Melini.

The program was also aimed at raising awareness of the local community about the importance of preserving the environment through the implementation of activities such as conducting water quality testing on the Panchor River, compost production from food waste and plogging and recycling activities.

“The program is also intended to provide information on water quality in the Panchor River as well as to expose villagers on their skills in utilizing food leftover composting through the demonstration,” he added.

He added that the program has become a platform for collaboration between various government and private agencies to encourage the community to conserve the environment.

Also present were student research exhibitions as well as Solid Waste Separation and Recycling Practice talks by Muhamad Bakhtiar Azni, Corporate Communication and Government Affairs Officer, SWM Enviroment Sdn. Bhd

The closing ceremony of the program was officiated by Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Norshuhaila Mohamed Sunar, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering Technology (JTKA).

He said in his speech that such programs could further highlight the role of UTHM Pagoh in contributing knowledge to the community in line with the intention of the Ministry of Education Malaysia to make the university as a “University for Society.”

“The implementation of these activities also provides an opportunity for FTK lecturers and students to share information and expertise in the field of environmental engineering,” he said.



Green Activity:
UTHM Students Collected 204.4 kg of Solid Waste

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2 December 2019

Panchor, Muar, Johor

Dr. Roslinda Ali, students Sarjana Muda Sesi 1, 2019/2020 di UTHM Kampus Cawangan Pagoh.

A total of 204.4 pounds of solid waste was collected by students Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) who participated in the activity #Jomkitaplogging that held around Pekan Panchor, Muar, Johor in recently.

This community program is participating by undergraduate student’s semester 1 2019/2020 from UTHM Kampus Cawangan Pagoh. Program adviser, Dr. Roslinda Ali from faculty of technology engineering (FTK) said these plogging activities run while collecting rubbish around the route are going viral around the world nowadays.

This activity came from Sweden and this program has given two advantages in one activity where individuals can take care of their health and at the same time, they protect the environment. Besides, activities like this can send messages to the community about benefits from cooperation with all parties in effort to keep the ecosystem environment clean and healthy. This program gets participation from 70 students and assisted by Majlis Perbandaran Muar (MPM).

Meanwhile, the assistant environmental health officer MPM, Mohammad Azlie Sham Rasulu said that these plogging activities are part of weekly activities in MPM to make sure that Muar city remains the cleanest city in southeast Asia.

According to him, from last September, 2140-kilogram solid waste are collected through this program. After this plogging program, waste audits run by MPM to isolate solid waste which can or cannot be recycled.

‘’The waste that can recycled we sent to recycling center and temporary which cannot be sent to a landfill site at Bukit Bakri, Muar’’, he said.