Planeteers Activities 2020
Figure 1 Cabin Key Handover Session from Sr. Dr. Noralfishah binti Sulaiman to President of Planeteers Club, UTHM
Figure 2 Received consolation prize in Short Film Competition: Humanity Is Unity, Digital World 2020 held by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Figure 3 Enhancement Integrity Program, EIP that was held at Kampong Lukut, Daerah Kota Tinggi located approximately 10 km from Hutam Simpan Panti
Figure 4 Happy 50th Earth Day! ?
Beauty of the nature is the road to happiness.
Invest in nature for better future.
Figure 5 Tatacara Melupuskan Topeng Muka ( Face Mask ) Dengan Betul.
Figure 6 Bicara Planeteers e-Forum was held on 5th June 2020. This e-forum was focusing on the views and challenges of sustainable campus.
Figure 7 UTHM through Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) and Planeteers Club in collaboration with SWM Environment SDN.Bhd. was hold a casual “Forum Sembang Santai Bicara Planeteers Siri II” entitled “Recycling in New norm: issues and challenges”
Figure 8