SIO 7 – Awareness, Training & Communication Sustainable Activities
Green Activity:
Launching of Green Initiative Sticker
3 February 2020
Members of the Sustainable Campus Office and UTHM Community
Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) has designed a few stickers in order to raise UTHM Community’s awareness of sustainability. Seven (7) stickers were launched and distributed. Stickers designed are related to the awareness of saving water, saving energy, practicing recycle and also reducing the use of plastic in the campus. Suppliers are to be appointed to produce adhesive stickers. Then only, the stickers can be distributed among UTHM.
Green Activity:
Launching of KidSafe 2020 and Road Safety for Schoolchildren Guidebook
17 February 2020
Banquet Hall, PTTA UTHM
YB Datuk Dr. Shahruddin Md Salleh, Deputy Minister of Federal Territories cum Member of Parliament Sri Gading, Prof. Ts. Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Abdul Karim, Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Planning and Corporate Relations) as the official representative for Vice-Chancellor, senior staffs from UTHM, school representatives and industry representatives
The launching ceremony of Kidsafe Program 2020 and Road Safety Handbook for school students was held on February 17 2020 at the UTHM Library, main campus. The ceremony officiated by YB Datuk Dr. Shahruddin Md Salleh, Deputy Minister of Federal Territories cum Member of Parliament Sri Gading, which is also a major contributor to the implementation of the program. The launch event was organized by Smart Driving Research Center (SDRC) led by Associate Prof. Dr. Munzilah Md Rohani and fully managed by academic staffs Geomatic and Infrastructure Engineering Cluster, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment. The program is aimed at raising awareness among local residents and school students about road safety.
MARCH 2020
Green Activity:
COVID-19 Awareness
09 March 2020
UTHM Community
If You Have These Signs:
1. Fever or
2. Cough or
3. Neck pain or
4. Respiratory Problems
AND Returning from CHINA Countries (including HONG KONG, MACAU, TAIWAN, KOREA SOUTH, JAPAN, ITALY and IRAN) in the last 14 days or in close contact with COVID-19 patients YOU ARE INVOLVED TO CONTACT UTHM PKU CUSTOMERS ON A SPECIAL LINE FOR UTHM WAR – 019-3929849 Or call the National CPRC Hotline.
Green Activity:
COVID-19 Public Information : Sharing is Caring
17 March 2020
UTHM Community
COVID-19 Public Information : Sharing is Caring
Who should wear a mask:
1. Doctor or nurse at a clinic or hospital
2. Someone taking care of a sick person at home
For a healthy person, wearing a mask in public is less effective than putting that mask on a sick person. This is because, even when the others are wearing masks, the sick person’s infections droplets can gets everywhere. For instance, on others’ shoes, mobile phones, clothes and etc. Consequently, it is all too easy for others to get infected when they touch their faces after removing their masks or when they shake hand with others.
However, if the sick person wears a mask, the infectious droplets are contained and everyone is safe.
APRIL 2020
Green Activity:
Volunteer Team of UTHM Created “Boot Cover” to Protect Frontliners
6 April 2020
Prof Madya Dr. Hj Kamarul-Azhar bin Kamarudin
Prof. Madya Dr. Hasan Zuhudi bin Abdullah
Dr. Azzura binti Ismail
Tn. Hj. Mohamed Nasrul bin Mohamed Hatta
En. Mzahar bin Abd Jalal
Cik Nuur Azreen binti Paiman
In an effort to fight the spread of Covid-19 epidemic, all frontliners need to wear various of personal protective equipment (PPE) as a shield to protect themselves against infection.
Caring for the problem of lack of PPE supplies in hospitals, the volunteer team of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) design a ‘’Boot Cover’ which works to reduce the risk of foot exposed to viruses that can be infected through blood, liquid or air containing biological hazard.
According to the project leader, Professor Madya Dr. Kamarul-Azhar Kamarudin a total of 50 Boot Cover was successfully produced within four days. Using only plastic material, rubber and adhesive tapes (masking tape), the sample is then tested first to ensure the level of durability. This “Boot Cover” created by Pasukan Solusi Jahitan UTHM using plastic material attract attention from Hospital Sultan Ismail and Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru.
JULY 2020
Green Activity:
volunteer team of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FKEE) developed ‘sayaHadir’

21 July 2020
Volunteer team of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FKEE)
The volunteer team of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FKEE), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) has successfully developed an offline system called ‘ sayaHadir ‘ to assist teachers in the school to record the attendance of the students as well as the temperature using QR code technology.
The production of this system led by Dr. Nor Hafizah Ngajikin is capable of storing student data without an Internet network and is suitable for use in rural schools that have no internet access or unstable Internet access. Researchers who are involved in the development and information of the system are Dr. Herdawatie Abdul Kadir (Coordinator), Dr. Siti Hajar Aminah Ali (Application development), Zarina Tukiran (Database development), Professor Madya Dr. Siti Zarina Muji (System commercialisation), Dr. Marlia Morsin (Documentation) and Munirah Ab Rahman (System design).
The team which was chaired by Professor Madya Dr. Rosli Omar, Dean of FKEE and led by Dr. Herdawatie, deputy dean of student affairs of FKEE together with IEEE Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and Advanced Mechatronics Research Group (ADMIRE) had organised a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme which involved Sekolah Rendah Islam Hidayah (SIH) located at Jalan Olak Batu , Ayer Hitam, Johor.
The system has been carried out in the school aimed at assisting teachers to educate the school students on new norms of schooling in accordance with the guidelines set by the government. According to Dr. Herdawatie, the use of this offline presence system was well received by the school and received positive feedback from the teachers in the school.
“With the successful implementation of the ‘sayaHadir’ version 1.0 in SIH, we are very pleased to welcome the cooperation with other parties in the future and hope the contribution of this expertise can be benefited by the local community,” he said.
Green Activity:
22 July 2020
Centre of Research for Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources (SUNR), Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST), Professor Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Elly Abu Bakar, UTHM.
Centre of Research for Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources (SUNR), Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) led by Professor Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Elly Abu Bakar had organised a community service programme, transfer of knowledge and STEM at Kampung Peta, Endau, Mersing on 22 July.
The programme was implemented in Kampung Peta which is located in the Endau Rompin National Park, which is the location for the Jakun community tribe.
Green Activity:
Pejabat Kampus Lestari Green Sticker ceremony
28 JULY 2020
Blok E7- Pejabat Penerbit UTHM.
Pengarah Pejabat Penerbit UTHM, Pengarah Pejabat Kampus Lestari (PKL), staf Pejabat Penerbit dan PKL.
Program Santai penyerahan Pelekat Hijau Pejabat Kampus Lestari kepada Pengarah Pejabat Penerbit. Ia dihadiri oleh semua staf Pejabat Penerbit dan PKL . Pelekat Hijau ini akan diedarkan kepada semua Pusat Tanggungjawab di UTHM dan ianya adalah salah satu inisiatif PKL untuk Kempen Penjimatan Tenaga (elektrik dan air) dan Kempen Amalan 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) dalam melestarikan alam sekitar secara berkesan oleh seluruh warga UTHM.
Green Activity:
“Ambassadors of Sustainability” Organised by UTHM
17 AUGUST 2020
Zoom Meeting.
Professor Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid Razzaly, Professor Dr. Shahbaz Khan, Nyembo S.Jay, Professor Madya Dr. ACEP Purqon, Professor Madya Dr. Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed, Dr Wesam Al-Madhoun, Participants.
The organising of the “Ambassadors of Sustainability” Programme of UTHM International Sustainability organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment (FKAAB), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) recorded its own record when it attracted 200 participants from 80 countries worldwide.
The Program conducted by the Impact Youth Sustainability led by the president, Dr. Wesam Al-Madhoun has also obtained collaboration from the Micro Pollutant Research Centre (MPRC) UTHM and the Sumatra Technology Institute (ITERA).
According to Dr. Wesam, the programme which was held for five days from 10 to 14 August was held to expand the capabilities of international activists in relation to the role, values and principles of sustainability globally that need to be practiced for the well-being of the community.The programme which lasted for 10 hours per day was filled with several attractive slots including introduction to sustainability and SDG, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, governance and leadership for sustainability.
The Vice Chancellor of UTHM, Professor Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid Razzaly attended the opening ceremony as a sign of his support to this high-impact programme. Also present, Professor Dr. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Sciences in Asia and the Pacific based in Indonesia; Nyembo S.Jay, chief executive officer of the founder of the Impact Youth Sustainability; Professor Madya Dr. Acep Purqon, Director of International Office of ITERA, Indonesia and Professor Madya Dr. Radin Maya Saphira Radin Mohamed, head of MPRC, UTHM.
Green Activity:
Mural Painting #MerekaJagaKita Dedicated to Frontliners
UTHM Staff.
Painting works and preparing mural #merekajagakita dedicated to the country’s frontline who together struggled to address the COVID-19 crisis.
The painting of the wrath was one of the activities in conjunction with the 63rd Independence Month celebration.
Green Activity:
“Let’s Go Green”
13 NOVEMBER 2020
Staff & Student UTHM
Paper shreds cannot be placed in recycle bin. They will end up in landfill if you throw them with your recyclable. When paper is shredded, the fibers become shorter and less useful in the recycling process.