SIO 5 – Travel & Transportation Sustainable Activities
Green Activity:
Electric Vehicle Launching Ceremony
20 January 2020
Ministry of Housing and Local Government Building, Putrajaya.
YB Puan Hajah Zuraida Binti Kamaruddin, YBM Senator Dato’ Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Ibni Raja Ahmad Baharuddin Shah (Deputy Minister of KPKT), YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly (UTHM Vice-Chancellor), YBhg. Dato’ Mohd Shafiee Bin Mohd Sanip, (Managing Director of Perisind Samudra Sdn Bhd) and YBhg. Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahir Shamsir Bin Omar (UTHM Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation).
Launching ceremony of an electric vehicle was held at the Ministry of Housing and Local Government Building lobby, Putrajaya. This Electric Vehicle is for the use of the Pengerang Municipal Council. YB Mrs. Hajah Zuraida Binti Kamaruddin (Minister of Housing and Local Government) was pleased to officiate the launching of the BYD E6 Electric Vehicle for Pengerang Municipal Council use. The event was a sign of support from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) for Smart City development initiatives in Malaysia. Besides, this is one of the efforts to make Pengerang as a model of Smart Cities in Johor. The KPKT welcomes cooperation between UTHM and Perisind Samudra Sdn Bhd and the Pengerang Municipal Council in promoting the use of electric vehicles in Pengerang as a pioneer in making Pengerang a smart and sustainable city.
MARCH 2020
Green Activity:
Meeting for My Safe Road Program
8 March 2020
Meeting Hall, Jabatan Kerja Raya Batu Pahat
Members of Smart Driving Research Center (SDCR), UTHM and Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR), Batu Pahat
On 8 March 2020, a meeting was held at Meeting Hall of JKR Batu Pahat participated by SRDCs’ members and staffs of JKR to discuss regarding My Safe Road Program. In the meeting, they also talk about the Accident Pattern according to Type of Vehicles. For car occupant, 50% of the accidents happened involved the intersection or property access point. While motorcyclist recorded 51% for the accidents involving the intersection or property access point.
JULY 2020
Green Activity:
Contribute Road Safety Signboards to schools

31 July 2020
Batu Pahat
KidSafe UTHM, Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Parit Bingan, SK Pintas Puding, SK Pintas Raya, SK Bukit Soga, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tun Aminah.
The Centre for Intelligent Driving Research (SDRC), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) through the KidSafe team, has contributed road safety signboards to six selected schools around Batu Pahat District to enhance public awareness.
According to their head team, Professor Madya Dr. Munzilah Md. Rohani from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, the signboards was contributed to the Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Parit Bingan, SK Pintas Puding, SK Pintas Raya, SK Bukit Soga and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tun Aminah. He added that this contribution was extended to the programme ‘Buku Keselamatan Jalanraya Untuk Pelajar Sekolah’ which was launched in February and distributed to schools around Batu Pahat district.
“He has again collaborated with the Parliament of Seri Gading, Transportion Science Society of Malaysia (TSSM) and Batu Pahat Municipal Council to produce special signage to give reminders and tips on road safety,” he said.
According to him, the signboards which was designed by Dr. Basil David Daniel was contributed by the hope that the community awareness could be increased from time to time thus reducing the risk of road accidents.
“To realise the safe culture on the road, we would also like to invite people to work with KidSafe UTHM team in delivering reminders to Malaysians on the road safety,” he said.
Green Activity:
Introduction Session Ceromony toward Electric Vehicle
6 AUGUST 2020
Makmal Kejuruteraan RF dan Gelombangmikro, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik (FKEE), UTHM.
YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly, YBhg. Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahir Shamsir bin Omar, YBrs. Prof. Madya Dr. Nafarizal bin Nayan, UTHM.
Introduction Session Ceremony toward Electric Vehicle was held on 6th August. This Electric Vehicle was developed by Research Center For Applied Electromagnetics, Institute of Integrated Engineering (I2E), UTHM at the Microwave and RF Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FKEE), UTHM.
The ceremony was officiated by YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid Bin Razzaly, Vice Chancellor of UTHM. Also present YBhg. Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahir Shamsir bin Omar, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and innovation), YBrs. Prof. Madya Dr. Nafarizal bin Nayan, Director of Institute for Integrated Engineering (I ² E), Senior university officers and researchers.