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Operasi RPPS - PPN

SIO 1 – Corporate Governance Sustainable Activities


Green Activity:
Talk on Smart Campus

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03rd February 2020

Banquet Hall, UTHM Library

PM Ts Dr. Farhan Md Fudzee (CIO UTHM), staffs from Sustainable Campus Office and staffs from Maintenance and Development Office

The talk was generally on introduction towards Smart Campus. It was delivered by PM Ts Dr. Farhan Md Fudzee, CIO of UTHM. Discussions on facilities needed in developing Smart Campus were discussed during the talk. Participants involved were the staffs from the Sustainable Campus Office and the staffs from Maintenance and Development Office. Throughout the talk, the presenter present about what the projects or program all about. Besides, Dr Farhan mentioned about the initiatives and objectives of Smart Campus project. The talk also discussed four (4) pillars of Smart Campus. The first pillar is on services. Next, the second pillar focuses on academics. Third is on research and the last pillar is about student engagement. Then, Dr. Farhan also emphasized the enablers in making the Smart Campus project to become a reality. Then, he also presented the KPI of the Smart Campus project. 


Green Activity:
Casual Meeting with Dr Eric Lou from Manchester Metropolitan University

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26 February 2020

Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Dr Eric Lou from Manchester Metropolitan University, Sr. Dr Noralfishah Binti Sulaiman and her research assistant from UTHM

The casual meeting between Sr. Dr Noralfishah Binti Sulaiman and Dr Eric Lou from Manchester Metropolitan University with his research assistants. The meeting was discussed about MOA between UTHM with Manchester Metropolitan University and cooperation between the Office of Sustainable Campus (SCO) with PrintCity Labs, MMU and the UK. Besides, the meeting also discusses the Children’s Environment and sustainable green project (SGP) at UTHM.


Green Activity:
Annual Work Target Workshop 2020 (SKT 2020)

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27 February 2020

Lestari 2 Room, Library Tunku Tun Aminah, UTHM

Sr. Dr. Noralfishah binti Sulaiman, Dr. Nur Shaylinda binti Mohd Zin, staffs of Sustainable Campus Office (SCO), all leaders of Strategies in Operation (SIO), leaders of Sustainable Green Pods (SGPs) and Planeteers, UTHM

Annual Work Target Workshop 2020 (SKT 2020) was held on 27 February 2020 at Lestari 2 Room, Library Tunku Aminah, UTHM. The aims of the workshop were to discuss regarding the Achievement Report of Sustainbale Campus Office (SCO) and report on Green Metric Index 2019. Other than that, the workshop was also held for the purpose of reviewing the Proposed Activities 2020 and Policies 2020 presented by all leaders of Strategies in Operation (SIO). During the workshop, Sr. Dr. Noralfishah binti Sulaiman also introduced to all the participants, the new team which are Sustainable Green Pods (SGPs). Participants involved during the workshop were Sr. Dr. Noralfishah binti Sulaiman, Dr. Nur Shaylinda binti Mohd Zin, the staffs of Sustainable Campus Office (SCO), all leaders of Strategies in Operation (SIO), leaders of Sustainable Green Pods (SGPs) and Planeteers, UTHM.

MARCH 2020

Green Activity:
Aspiration Sharing Session program

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04th March 2020

Dewan Jemaah, Aras 5, Bangunan PTTA, UTHM

YBhg. Tan Sri Johan Jaafar, YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly

They had an Aspiration Sharing Session program with YBhg. Tan Sri Johan Jaaffar entitled Reimagining Future University For Future Generation: Dominating Current Challenges And Preparing For Future in Dewan Jemaah, Aras 5, Bangunan PTTA, UTHM. He shares his knowledge and experience in shaping the university’s new culture for future generations.

Green Activity:
Earth Hour 2020 Program Meeting at University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

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08th March 2020

Premier Meeting Room, Development & Maintenance Office (PPP), UTHM

Sr. Dr. Noralfishah Sulaiman, Dr. Nur Shaylinda Mohd Zin, Pn. Napisah Basir and En. Hafiz Sadiran (Team SCO), En. Shukur Saleh, En. Muhammad Najib Ramlan, En. Abd Rashid Puteh, En. Mohd Izzat Izzuddin, En. Mohammad Iqbal Sarman (Team PPP), En. Zainal Rashid Abdullah (Registration Office-Safety Department) and En. Saharani Haron (CGOL)

On March 08, 2020, the Earth Hour 2020 Meeting at University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) was held to discuss about the task before the program. The program is a collaboration between the Sustainable Campus Office (SCO) and Development and Maintenance Office (PPP) that will happen on March 28, 2020 at Parit Raja Campus, UTHM and surrounding areas. At the meeting were discussed several lists of tasks must be done on the date determined by the person is responsible. 

This Earth Hour program is an annual event hosted by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The program is celebrated on the last Sunday in March of each year beginning in 2007, with a SYMBOLIC campaign by turning off unused lights in the residence/office as well as unused electricity for one (1) hours.

To raise the awareness of energy savings and environmental awareness activities and programs to protect the environment towards realizing the Green Campus policy at UTHM.


JUNE 2020

Green Activity:
Official Visit YBhg. Datuk Isham bin Ishak To Industry Centre of Excellence Railway (ICOE-REL)





















29 June 2020


UTHM, YBhg. Datuk Isham bin Ishak


Official working visit by YBhg. Datuk Isham bin Ishak, Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport Malaysia to the Centre of Excellence for Industry-Rail (ICoE-REL) UTHM.

Also present YBhg.Prof. Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid Bin Razzaly, Vice Chancellor of UTHM, YBhg. Deputy Vice Chancellor of UTHM and Provost UTHM Branch Campus Pagoh, YBhg. Secretaries of the Ministry of Transport Malaysia, Senior Officers of the Ministry of Transport Malaysia and Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD), Senior university officers and researchers from UTHM.

Green Activity:
Official Work Visit From YB. Dato’ Dr. Noraini binti Ahmad

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29 June 2020

UTHM Pagoh.

UTHM, YB. Dato’ Dr. Noraini binti Ahmad, YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Wahid Bin Razzaly, YBhg. Deputy Vice Chancellor of UTHM, senior officers.


Official working visit by YB. Dato ‘ Dr. Noraini binti Ahmad, Minister of Higher Education to the Pagoh Educational Hub. Arrival of YB. Dato ‘ Dr. Noraini binti Ahmad, the Minister of Higher Education was welcomed by YBhg.Prof. Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid Bin Razzaly, vice chancellor of UTHM, YBhg. Deputy Vice chancellor of UTHM and Provost UTHM Branch Campus and senior University officers.

JULY 2020

Green Activity:
Briefing session and discussion with YB Tuan Vidyananthan A/L Ramanadhan


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7 July 2020

Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (BPEN) Johor.


YB Tuan Vidyananthan A/L Ramanadhan, Dr Azra Munirah Binti Mat Daud, UTM, UTeM dan USIM.


Briefing session and discussion with YB Tuan Vidyananthan A/L Ramanadhan, chairman of the Johor Health and Environment Committee on Community Project U4S Selatan Zone: Sungai Nadi-Sungai Kim Kim Pasir Gudang Johor was carried out in Bahagian Perancang Ekonomi Negeri (BPEN) Johor.

The meeting was attended by the Director of ICRC UTHM together with Timbalan Pengarah, Ketua Jabatan Hubungan Komuniti dan Promosi ICRC. Briefing session and two-way discussions were progressing well and YB Tuan Vidyananthan was very positive with the project and hoped that all government agencies involved (JPS, DOE, MPPG and others) were able to help to achieve this community project.

The head of UTHM project is Dr. Azra Munirah Binti Mat Daud, FKAAB with sub-topics “Cultivating Environmental Education and Awareness of Ecological Balance and Its Importance Among Society and Industry”.This effort is a continuation of UTHM’s involvement in the case of Sungai Kim Kim’s pollution in March 2019.Together with the team from UTM, UTeM and USIM. Hopefully the effort to return rivers to the supposed state to be inherited into successful generations.

Green Activity:
Official Site visit from Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Seng Leong from BCB Berhad

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6 July 2020

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam dan Alam Sekitar


1. Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Seng Leong, BCB Berhad. Group Managing Director
2. Ng Bee Ting, Regional Manager
3. Chia Lan Kwee, Project Manager
4. Ng Cze Looh, Project Executive
5. Mohd Asyraf bin Aini, Project Architect
6. Muhammad Nur Izham bin Azmi, Site Supervisor
7. Tan Siong Chin, Regional Manager

Official Site visit from Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Seng Leong from BCB Berhad received a great response from UTHM. Also present Ng Bee Ting, Chia Lan Kwee, Ng Cze Looh, Mohd Asyraf bin Aini, Muhammad Nur Izham bin Azmi and Tan Siong Chin.

Green Activity:
UTHM Researchers received recognition from the National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office ( NAICO )

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11 AUGUST 2020


NAICO, Prof. Ts. Shamsul Kamar Abu Samah, Dr. Mohammad Zulafif bin Rahim, Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadhli Bin Zulkafli, Dr. Siti Juita Mastura Binti Mohd Saleh, staf FKEE.

UTHM researchers received recognition from the National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office (NAICO) for the impact research conducted related to the needs of the Aerospace Industry workforce in Malaysia. This research has been conducted with the integration of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) where the collaboration has assisted in the planning of manpower development for the Aerospace Industry in Malaysia. This award was presented personally by the Chairman of NAICO, Prof. Ts. Shamsul Kamar Abu Samah to 3 key researchers; Dr. Mohammad Zulafif bin Rahim, Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadhli Bin Zulkafli, and Dr. Siti Juita Mastura Binti Mohd Saleh. This research involved 13 staff from the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and findings from this study were presented at the Malaysia Aerospace Council (MAC) which is chaired by the Malaysian Minister of International Trade and Industry on February 2020.

Green Activity:
Official work visit to Lapangan Kapal Terbang Tanjung Labuh

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18 AUGUST 2020

Lapangan Kapal Terbang Tanjung Labuh.

YBhg.Prof. Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly, Vice Chancellor of UTHM and Deputy Vice Chancellor of UTHM.

Official work visit by YBhg. Dato ‘ Dr. Haji Mohd Sofi Bin Haji Osman, Chairman of the Board of UTHM. The main objective of the working visit was to see the development of the Landasan Kapal Terbang Tanjung Labuh and “Pusat Latihan Minda Emas”. Also held briefings on drones cargo.

Also accompanies his visit is YBhg.Prof. Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid bin Razzaly, Vice Chancellor of UTHM and Deputy Vice Chancellor of UTHM.

Green Activity:
Official Work Visit to Asia Aeronautical Training Academy (AATA)

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19 AUGUST 2020

Asia Aeronautical Training Academy (AATA).

YBhg. Dato’ Dr. Haji Mohd Sofi bin Haji Osman, Professor Datuk Ts.Dr. Wahid Razzaly, Ts Dr Mohammad Fahmi bin Abdul Ghafir, Executive Director, Asia Aeronautical Training Academy.

Official working visit by YBhg. Dato ‘ Dr. Haji Mohd Sofi Bin Haji Osman, chairman of the Board of UTHM to Asia Aeronautical Training Academy (AATA) where located at Senai Johor. The purpose of the visit was to see the facilities and facilities for teaching and learning (PdP) provided by AATA for students of the aeronautical UTHM course.


Green Activity:
Perbincangan Amalan Hijau Untuk Garis Panduan EKSA UTHM

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Pejabat Pendaftar UTHM

SCO, Wakil SIO2- Waste & Recycling dan Unit Governan, UTHM

Perbincangan bersama Unit Governan, Pejabat Pendaftar berhubung amalan hijau untuk penyediaan
Garis Panduan EKSA UTHM.

Green Activity:
Lawatan Penanda Aras ke Pejabat Keselamatan Pekerjaan dan Kelestarian Alam Sekitar, UTeM Melaka


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6 OKTOBER 2020

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)

SCO, Wakil SECT dan Wakil SIO2- Waste & Recycling, UTHM

Pejabat Kampus Lestari, UTHM telah mengadakan lawatan penandaarasan ke  Pejabat Keselamatan Pekerjaan dan Kelestarian Alam Sekitar UTeM Melaka. Lawatan ini diadakan adalah bertujuan sebagai medan perkongsian program atau aktiviti kelestarian yang dijalankan di universiti masing-masing dan melihat bagaiman proses pengumpulan data UI GreenMetric World University, pelaksanaan Pengurusan Tenaga (Penilaian 2 Star EMGS) serta pembentukan Struktur Organisasi di Pusat Kelestarian & Alam Sekitar, UTeM.


Green Activity:
Poster Aktiviti Lestari Pelajar



12 OKTOBER 2020


Pelajar UTHM

Poster cadangan aktiviti kelestarian untuk program anjuran pelajar melalui kerjasama bersama Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar (HEP). Aktiviti kelestarian boleh dijadikan program utama atau boleh dimasukkan dalam tentatif program sebagai aktiviti sampingan.