Matching Grant Discussion Visit
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28th February 2019
Kia Shing Sdn Bhd, Kangkar Senanga, Parit Sulong
UTHM and Kia Shing volunteers
This project is a collaborative project with the industry, Kia Shing. It involved potential research projects; (a) Prevention of pests to soursop and papaya fruits that have no effective method until now, (b) Quality assurance of fruit before and after harvest, (c) Greenhouse for sustainable fruits and (d) Development of Vacuum Dry Fruit machines for prototype and testing capacity before mass production. This project can be considered the potential to be built with Kia Shing since “Food Security” is one of the country’s main areas. From the perspective of Food Technology, this can be one of the niche areas of UTHM especially in UTHM Pagoh because of the presence of expertise from the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology (FAST) in UTHM Pagoh campus. A further detailed discussion of specific projects and costs are to be made in the nearest future.