Collaboration between UTHM and Ningbo TVET Centre
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27th April 2019
Ningbo Polytechnic, China
UTHM Vice-Chancellor and his team and a few representatives from Ningbo TVET Centre
On 27th April 2019, a collaboration has been made between Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and Ningbo TVET Centre in Ningbo Polytechnic, China. UTHM continues to build a collaborative network of the international higher education institution to build partnerships to design strategic actions and plans among institution involved. The establishment of UTHM-Ningbo TVET Centre is the first in Asia region and will be the gateway to other institutions for both countries, especially in the field of TVET to collaborate in the future. In addition, this TVET Centre has good potential to become a TVET institution in Malaysia to attract international students, especially from China to further their studies in various fields in UTHM, including the Faculty of Technology Engineering (FTK) and the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV).