Site visit by YBhg. Dato’ Kamel bin Mohamad
Posted On 09/03/2020
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9 March 2020
Kampus Induk UTHM, Pusat Latihan Minda Emas dan Landasan Terbang Tanjung Labuh
YBhg. Dato’ Kamel Bin Mohamad, YBhg. Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Wahid Bin Razzaly
YBhg. Dato’ Kamel bin Mohamad visited Kampus Induk UTHM, Pusat Latihan Minda Emas dan Landasan Terbang Tanjung Labuh. The main objective is to see the development of the Kampus Induk UTHM, Pusat Latihan Minda Emas and Landasan Terbang Tanjung Labuh.