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UTHM Students Collected 204.4 kg of Solid Waste

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02nd December 2019

Panchor, Muar, Johor

Dr. Roslinda Ali, students Sarjana Muda Sesi 1, 2019/2020 di UTHM Kampus Cawangan Pagoh.

A total of 204.4 pounds of solid waste was collected by students Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) who participated in the activity #Jomkitaplogging that held around Pekan Panchor, Muar, Johor in recently.

This community program is participating by undergraduate student’s semester 1 2019/2020 from UTHM Kampus Cawangan Pagoh. Program adviser, Dr. Roslinda Ali from faculty of technology engineering (FTK) said these plogging activities run while collecting rubbish around the route are going viral around the world nowadays.

This activity came from Sweden and this program has given two advantages in one activity where individuals can take care of their health and at the same time, they protect the environment. Besides, activities like this can send messages to the community about benefits from cooperation with all parties in an effort to keep the ecosystem environment clean and healthy. This program gets participation from 70 students and assisted by Majlis Perbandaran Muar (MPM).

Meanwhile, the assistant environmental health officer MPM, Mohammad Azlie Sham Rasulu said that these plogging activities are part of weekly activities in MPM to make sure that Muar city remains the cleanest city in southeast Asia.

According to him, from last September, 2140-kilogram solid waste is collected through this program. After this plogging program, waste audits run by MPM to isolate solid waste which can or cannot be recycled.

‘’The waste that can recycled we sent to recycling center and temporary which cannot be sent to a landfill site at Bukit Bakri, Muar’’, he said.