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Operasi RPPS - PPN

Program Khidmat Masyarakat bersama Penduduk Kampung Jawa

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28th April 2019

Masjid Jamek An-Nur, Kampung Jawa, 84500 Panchor, Muar

BIM, CETSS, JTKA staff, UTHM students and Kampung Jawa villagers

A community services program was held on 28th April 2019 at Masjid Jamek An-Nur, Kampung Jawa, 884500 Panchor, Muar. This program involves volunteers amongst students, lecturers, industry fellows and assistant engineers from the Department of Civil Engineering Technology (JTKA) and Smart Building Management Focus (BIM), Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK). The program was organized by UTHM, FTK UTHM, BIM, JTKA, and CETSS.

This community services program involved all the cleaning works inside and outside of the An-Nur Mosque. Activities include cleaning the fan, prayer mat and floor. Some participants do painting, cleaning the drains and sweeping the mosque area. Next, the building of the mosque was tested through the transfer of knowledge and skills of building structure conditions known as Building Condition Assessment (BCA). Hence, the community service was able to provide exposure to the locals on systematic methods in conducting structural investigations and building maintenance. With this knowledge sharing, residents will be more concerned about the signs of building damage and take the necessary steps to prevent further damage from happening.

Building investigations that are shared with locals are to periodically monitor the components of the building structure and provide checklist documents to record any defects in the building. Industry Fellows, Ir. Ts. Mohamad Hairi Osman said they are also willing to share the knowledge and experience related to buildings with various levels of society and government agencies if needed in the interests of their safety, health, and comfort. Masjid Jamek An-Nur Kg. Jawa, Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Pawiroh said that the efforts made by the UTHM are very good as the Pagoh branch campus is located near to Kampung Jawa.

Organizing programs involving UTHM students and local communities is one of the initiatives planned by the university to fulfill its social obligations to the community. The program aimed at strengthening the role of the university towards realizing the knowledgeable village for the benefit of the whole world. Program coordinator, Ts Mohd Syafiq Syazwan Mustafa, said the program was held at the Jamek An-Nur mosque as a sign of concern for the community’s welfare of the local community as well as to further strengthen the brotherhood relationship by conducting volunteer work in conjunction with the Ramadhan 1440H.

The program which highlighted the spirit of volunteerism should be continued in the future and we also hope that the existing relationship will be prolonged by carrying out various activities from time to time. The same hope is also emphasized by the Dean of FTK, Associate Professor Ts. Amran Mohd Zaid which looking forward to a partnership with the community through volunteer work as well as the transfer of technical knowledge to local community development.