Program Khidmat Komuniti Swadaya Desa
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27th April 2019
‘Orang Asli’ village of Sungai Selangi, Mawai, Kota Tinggi
Villagers of Kampung Sungai Selangi, representative of PPUK UTHM and Johor Orang Asli Development Department (JAKOA) and Sport and Fitness UTHM students.
A total of 61 students in Sports & Fitness and Islamic Intrusion under the School of Public and Co-curricular (PPUK), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), worked together to run the Swadaya Desa community service program with the ‘Orang Asli’ of ‘Kanaq’ tribe on 27th April 2019. ‘Kanaq’ tribe of Sungai Selangi is the only ‘Kanaq’ tribe left in the entire world. This village consists of 26 families and only 92 ‘Orang Asli’ who are still living in the area. Adhering to the aspirations of ‘University For Society, the two groups of students involved have gotong-royong activities to clean up the village to create a clean and healthy environment. Besides, to strengthen the relationship with the villagers, the Sports and Fitness subjects groups have organized community sports activities as well as sharing sessions on healthy food consumption and hygiene in a way of helping each house in the village. The program ends with the fidyah contribution gift to the 26 families from Kota Tinggi Baitulmal by Sedili Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, Tuan Haji Rasman Haji Ithnain. Also present were Penghulu Kampung Sungai Selangi, representatives from PPUK UTHM and Johor Orang Asli Development Department (JAKOA).
According to Rasman, the ‘Kanaq’ tribe is ‘Orang Asli’ people who come from Sekanak Bay, Singkep Island, Riau. They then migrated to Kota Tinggi at the command of Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim during the mid-18th century due to the threat of the Dutch. There are less than 100 populations and they are now threatened with extinction. It is very encouraged if there are researchers from UTHM who are willing to study and maintain the sustainability of this race.